47 ~ Keep My Wife's Name Out Yo Mouth!

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(Guys these contain spoilers. If you really want a good ol splash of cold water, read without looking lol.)TW:--->


I open the door, almost frantically. If Schlatt's here, I know damn well he's going to be pissed. But something in me tells me he's not going to be here. Not anywhere near here. My breathing slows only a bit, relief filling my lungs and leaving my mouth in a sigh. I pray. I pray he's gone.

My shoes squeak on the hardwood, not even bothering with them. If the carpet gets dirty, so be it. I beeline to his room, running. If I wanted answers, I'd bet there'd be some in his office. I jiggle his doorknob but find nothing. I forgot he locks all his doors. Dammit. 

My eyes perk up as I get an idea.

I've jumped out of a comedic amount of windows.

How hard could it be to climb into a window?

My footsteps stomp as I run back downstairs, out the door, and out beside the side of the house. My eyes scan the perimeter, eyeing window after window until I recognize it. A room with a deep red wallpaper. One I hadn't yet seen.

I eye the trees surrounding the property, easily climbable, but not easily accessible. I'd need something. Something like a box. I frown, looking around, hoping a box would magically appear in front of me. 

     "¿Qué estás haciendo?" The animal sneers, quiet from above me. I jump, looking up confused. 

     "Oh vale, ¿ahora eres una puta ardilla?" I groan, flipping my hands up in exasperation. Sueño had decided that it wanted to be a squirrel today, just my luck.

It narrows its eyes, shimmering in a green colour. "No soy una ardilla. Soy una entidad de otro mundo."

I raise an eyebrow but do not speak. 

    "¿Qué, pensabas que era un gato?" It puts its paws on its face, rubbing downward. 

I nod.

    "Eres un estúpido."

I roll my eyes, trying to get a grip on the tree.

    "En serio, ¿qué estás haciendo?" It asks, hanging off the tree to get a better look at me.

I don't respond, but do find a grip. I grin, lifting myself off the ground and onto a tiny, brittle branch. 

     "Agáchate, idiota." It snaps, staring at me with a frown. 

I climb one hand after another, up and up until I'm only a couple feet from the window. I can touch it.

    "¡Basta ya!" The animal screeches, forcing its voice into my brain, making me wince. "¡Respóndeme, tonto!" 

I snarl, eyes narrowing toward the obnoxious animal. "Are you done?" 

It stares at me.

   "¿De qué se trata?" I groan, rolling my eyes. 

    "No me faltes al respeto, humano." It hums, sliding down the tree and sitting at the branch I'm currently sitting on. "¿Qué estás haciendo?"

    "¿Qué demonios parece que estoy haciendo?" I throw my hands around, gesturing toward the window. "Obviamente estoy tratando de entrar en mi casa."

    "Tienes una puerta, tonto." It stares as if it's offended by my stupidity. That I don't have. I'm smart. Would a dumbass try climbing through a window on the second floor? With concrete directly below? No. 

Red Looks Better On Liars- Schlatt X QuackityWhere stories live. Discover now