24 ~ It Sounds Like A Dream

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fair warning, schlatt totally used the f slur in this chapter. (ya'll im gay, don't worry, I can use it)
The iced snow crunches under his feet as he walks, carrying me in his arms, the soft blanket dangling from his willing hands. The soft brittle breeze hits my face, shocking it with the icy cool. My eyes instinctively shut, attempting to keep from burning my eyes any longer. 

He opens the already unlocked door, entering the warm building, feeling as if a barrier of heat was there, stopping the outside cold from seeping in. He sets me down on the hardwood, allowing me freedom. I take a few steps back giving him room to take off his shoes. Alas, he does not. I could only assume. He never takes off his shoes. Unless it's muddy or we're fucking, they stay on. 

He makes eye contact with me before taking a breath in, preparing to speak. 

     "So," He begins. "I have to head to the offices to get some work done. If you don't want to go with me, that's fine." 

      "Depends on what you'll be doing." I say with an accompied shrug. 

      "Probably working on cleaning out all of my valuable belongings." He responds. 

      "What do you mean?" I ask.

He straightens up, seeming a bit excited for what he was about to say. 

I bring my chin up, showing that I was listening to what he was going to say. 

     "I've been thinking. Since I'd rather absolutely no reminders of Wilbur, we're going to demolish the old Whitehouse and make a new one." He proposes. 

    "What's this have to do with the offices?" I ask.

    "Well, I'm going to destroy those too. Turn that land into the new Whitehouse." He tells me. 

    "Ah," I exhale. I wasn't too sure how I felt about this plan. I wasn't opposed, yet I wasn't necessarily a fan. "When's the demolition going to happen?" 

     "We have exactly 48 hours to remove any valuables." He tells me. 

     "Shit," I say. "What all are you going to bring home."

     "Probably my desk. That's about it though." He says.

I only nod my head, looking down at the ground, desperately trying to remember if I have anything of value there. I didn't. I had a couple of letters that I wanted to keep, but that's about it. 

     "If we're going over there right now, I'd like to at least throw on some shoes," I mutter, beginning to turn around. 

     "Yeah, I'm probably going to throw on a suit." He shrugs. 

    "You're going to be moving shit, don't wear a suit," I tell him. 

    "It's unprofessional if I don't." He argues. 

    "It's unprofessional if you do!" I argue back, turning around to face him once more, a smile on my face at the mere fact that he thought that was a good idea. 

    "How about I just throw on a button-up and tie? I'll leave the jacket in the car." He tries to negotiate. 

     "Sure, the tie might be much still," I tell him. 

     "I'm not compromising any further." He turns his head, a smile appearing on his face as well. 

    "Well, I'm probably going to change out of this sweater," I mumble, bringing my arms out to look at the bagginess of my outfit. 

He simply nods, beginning to walk away. I speed walk to catch him, walking close behind. 

Our feet hit the hardwood of the upstairs, Schlatt's shoes making the familiar click as he walks. Something about the noise his shoes made was attractive to me. It felt like he was in charge. Which he was. He was president after all. 

He opens the door to our bedroom, allowing me to go inside first. I quickly jump over to the soft rug beside the bed, excited to get my feet off of the freezing ground. The ram snickers behind me, amused at my quick reaction. 

     "Why don't you start wearing shoes if you're so sensitive to cold?" He asks me, leaning against the doorway.

     "Because that's stupid." I spit out at him. He doesn't respond, only smiling softly at himself. I lay down on the bed, staring at the ceiling above. I loved watching the fan move, the blades shaking slightly as it spins, forever bound to our will. Our will for cold air. Wait, why do we have our fan on if it's -12C outside? 

He digs through the closet, finding himself a nice outfit, uncovering black dress pants and a white button-up. Fit with his signature red tie. I tilt my head to the side to watch as he digs through the neat arrangement of clothes. 

     "Babe, what do you want to wear?" He calls out, setting down his outfit to look for me something. 

I freeze at the name, forgetting for a second that we're dating. 

    "Did you just call me 'babe'?" I ask, audibly taken aback. I feel a grin begin to appear on my face. It was rare hearing him using a pet name on me. 

     "Sorry, hey fucking faggot, what do you want to wear." He corrects himself, coughing under his breath as he says the 'pet name'. 

I burst out into a laugh of pure unexpectance. That was the last thing I anticipated to come out of his mouth. 

     "That's better." I giggle softly under my breath, putting my arms under my head as I stare at the ceiling. "Just pick me out a pair of sweatpants and a jacket." 

     "No," He shakes his head, "You're not wearing that." 

     "Why not?" I ask.

     "Because that is definitely unprofessional." He says.

     "Who do I need to impress? You're the only person I'll see, and I've already impressed you enough." I speak out, closing my eyes to block out the light above me. 

     "God, you need to impress God, because you've yet to do so." He mutters under his breath quiet enough that I could barely catch it. 

      "Hey, I've impressed god. I've impressed him with the amount of hoes I get." I laugh. 

       "Yeah all the hoes." He rolls his eyes. 

       "Like you!" I exclaim out. 

       "Whose the one that likes to suck dick?" He mocks.

       "Whose the one that fucked me without even knowing me first?" I spit back. 

       "That can go either way, you know." He mumbles. 

       "Can it though? I knew you pretty well." I respond.

       "You still don't know my first name, even though we've been dating for months." I speaks.

       "Because you're yet to tell me." I mutter.

       "I think of it as a fun little game. Besides, when we get married someday, it'll be like a reward." I hear him smile. 

      "I get to spend the rest of my life with you and I get to know your first name? Sounds like a dream!" I exclaim sarcastically. 

     "Hell, with the state of our world, we should get married pretty soon or else we'll end up dying before even getting the chance." He speaks statistically. He was right. 

     "I wouldn't mind if you proposed right now, wink, wink." I give audible signs, a hint of a flirtatious tone. 

     "I wouldn't either actually." He says quietly. This tone chance took me by surprise. A welcome surprise, but a surprise nonetheless. Because, truth be told, I wouldn't mind either. It would be pretty nice now that I think of it. I wouldn't mind it. 

I open my eyes once more, turning my head to face him, seeing if his face was serious. He was, he was totally serious. As was I. A smile forms on my face as I look at him. We were serious. 

      "It really does sound like a dream." He repeats what I had said seconds prior, this time with a different meaning. He took a sarcastic joke and twisted it to be a sincere sentence. I loved him. 

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