39 ~ Bad(Ass)BoyHalo

48 3 14


Pov switch for this chapter --- Bad

My hand swipes over the young boy's forehead, checking his temperature. He felt fine, but by God was he sleeping a lot? I sit down on the chair beside his bed, a soft frown setting on my face. A soft cough gets my attention and I glance up to the doorway. 

      "Is he alright?" Skeppy mouths, leaning against the wood. I nod solemnly, looking over him. "He's okay," I whisper back in response. 

We both stare at him in silence, looking at each other occasionally to try to gather the other's opinion on this. But right now, the opinion is sound. We hated seeing him like this. After what seems like a while, Skeppy leaves. 

I look down at him as I pull my hand through his hair. I always remember doing this with Sapnap whenever he got a cold. My hands shake and I sigh. I hum softly under my breath to soothe myself and the young child. I used to hum to Nick too. Before he got too old for it and would fuss out of embarrassment. Even after that, I'd still hum to him, just while he was asleep. My lip curls to a smile and I shake my head. I always knew he still loved it and would pretend to be asleep so I'd sing to him. 

     "Hey, Nick's at the door," Skeppy whispers. I lift my head, eyes darting to his. "Here?" I point. Skeppy nods. 

My hand stops from its place on Tubbo's head, moving his blanket over his shoulders, and tucking him in. I stand from my place gracefully, wiping my hands on my pants. My eyes drag down to Skeppy, and he puts his hands up. A small laugh escapes my mouth and I shake my head. I crouch down to his level, and he climbs into my hand. 

     "You're cute," I giggle, closing Tubbo's door quietly behind me. Skeppy just sticks his tongue out, narrowing his eyes. "Hey, it's a compliment." 

I walk toward the front door, glancing through the window. As he had said, Sapnap was out there. 

I open the door swiftly, ushering him in. "It's cold, get your muffin in here," 

Sapnap laughs, shaking his head. "You do know cold doesn't affect me." 

I stop for a second, narrowing my eyes. 

      "No, but it lets the heat out," Skeppy helpfully supplies from my pocket. "Yeah," I stick my tongue out playfully. 

Nick just shrugs, wiping his shoes on the rug. 

     "So what calls for this visit? You just miss your dads?" I croon, batting my eyelashes.

     "Always," He grins. His smile falls if only slightly, eyes narrowing not to me but himself. "No but, have you seen Quackity recently?" 

      "No. . ." I stop for a second, my smile faltering. "Please don't tell me something bad happened to him."

      "Hope not. No, but Karl's been freaking out, and I wanted to see if I could find him." He grimaces. I look him in the eye and find him hurt. I hated seeing him sad. 

I sit down at the dining room table, gesturing to the other chair. He sits down with a soft sigh, his mouth a thin line. I take Skeppy from my pocket, placing him on the table beside us. "I thought he was home?"

     "Yeah, that's the first place I went to." Sapnap's grimace goes immediately to a frown. "You don't know, do you?"

     "I know, bud. Don't worry." I speak softly, eyes drifting upward to look at the lamp rather than my mourning son. "I was the first one to find them after the fire." 

Sapnap's head shoots up. "Wait, so you saw them?" He sputters. 

I look down at him, my eyebrows furrowed. "Yes, honey, they're okay."

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