46 ~ Happy Birthday! (Surprise)

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--- Tw--->

quackity pov


My knuckles rap only twice before the door opens, Niki's eyes fixated on me, at first in shock, then into confusion. I give my best grin, feeling a rush of an unnamed emotion. Something about seeing her so well gave me life. But also somehow sadness

     "Happy Birthday!" I grin, lifting my hands in mock surprise. When she doesn't respond immediately, I give a little wiggle to my fingers. She raises an eyebrow, her mouth tilting almost barely upward.

     "You're awfully happy?" Her voice is soft; if she spoke any louder, it would crack. 

I put my hands down in a shrug, tilting my head. "Why wouldn't I be? It's your birthday." 

    "Well, you're not nearly as happy nowadays," She waves off her concerns, "You get back on your meds?" 

I shake my head. "Forgot about those." 

She grimaces, nodding a brief understanding. "You should consider it." 

My eyes lead from her eyes to her hair, dyed a soft pastel pink. I look back at her with a smile. "You dyed your hair?" 

Niki grins now, hand going to grab at it excitedly. "Yes, Puffy did it for me!" 

I smile harder. "It looks beautiful. Puffy did a wonderful job." 

She nods, a shadow encapsulating her as a ram appears in the doorway, her herself having funky dyed hair. They must have done it together. Adorable.

Puffy's eyebrows knit together, looking down at me. "Mr. Quackity." 

I wave off the name, shaking my head. "Just Quackity is fine." 

She nods, eyeing my face, almost suspicious. "You healed awfully fast. Last time I saw you, you looked terrible." 

An elbow jabs into her chest, and she coughs, turning her head away from me. Niki's smile doesn't falter, but her face burns red in embarrassment. "Don't listen to her, you're fine."

My lip curls, in an awkward smile. I never really looked in a mirror. Did I look that different? "Yeah, I dunno. I wasn't that bad." 

Puffy opens her mouth, and Niki eyes her hesitantly. Puffy then closes her mouth.

     "Well, would you like to come in? Standing out here cannot be comfortable." She asks, almost rushed, trying to make up for the frankly impolite comments her girlfriend had said. 

     "Would want nothing less, Niki." I smile, nodding briefly. Puffy opens her mouth in protest, but Niki waves off her obvious concerns. Was I really that bad of an influence? 

The house was decorated minimally. A balloon there, a bit of glitter here. It was perfect. Laughing was present, off in the distance. I tilt my head, glancing in that basic direction. The red shade fell to paleness, eyeing the room with a grimace. "Ah, about that." She grits. Puffy crosses her arms, leaning against a doorway with a 'I told you so' look in her eye.

      "Oh it's okay. I'm not going to be able to stay for very long anyway, I can just stay in here." I give my best convincing smile, waving off her concern. So I awkwardly linger beside the door, not bothering with removing my coat or shoes. It took about 15 minutes to get here, I'll only get to stay for another 30 minutes before I'll have to go.

The room falls quiet, but not quite silence. Instead, talking falling to whispers, whispers falling to swears. Panic. Niki makes eye contact with me, eyes wide. She mouths the word I was thinking. Shit.

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