26 ~ We Should Nuke America

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this chapter has some yummy uncannon lore that only will only apply in my book series. It basically has some origins in why they're animals. 

(if other people wanna take this idea and put it in their books too, I don't care, do what you want lol.) 


     "If you were to be an animal, what would you be?" He spoke softly, his hand resting comfortably on my thigh as he drove.

     "Hm..." I hum, honestly considering my options. "I'd say a bird." 

     "Aren't you already a bird?" He asks, glancing my way.

     "Barely," I tell him. "I wish I was more of a bird. I wish I weren't just some sick hybrid. I wish that I could actually fly." 

     "Ah," He nods. "I would personally want to be a cat." 

     "Huh," I speak, nodding slowly. 

    "What?" He asks.

     "Oh nothing, I just didn't expect someone like you to want to be a cat," I say.

    "Yeah, I just think they're cool. Way better than a dog." He scoffs at even the thought. I was similar. Sure, dogs were cool and all, but I just wasn't a fan. 

     "I get what you mean." I smile. 

     "Sometimes I wish we weren't like this." He mutters ominously. He was vague, yet I knew exactly what he meant. 

We sit in silence for a second, a question eating away at my head. I didn't want to ask it, as I didn't want to bring up any sort of traumatic backstory, yet I still felt it needed to be asked. 

A short while back, a war got brought up. A horrific war. It raged across L'manburg and different parts of the DreamSMP. It was awful. Almost 90% of the population was ripped from their homes, and killed in the streets, just to make a point. A point that Dream was powerful. He proved his point well, yet it ruined so many lives. The once city has turned into a town of maybe 40 people. A once flourishing city was completely black. Lifeless.

A common practice in the war was nuclear warfare. As it was extremely effective. So many lives were taken that way. One nuke in particular though was something that our country is still facing the consequences of. We all used to be completely human. I wasn't a duck, and Schlatt wasn't a ram. We were normal. All before Wilbur came and fucked up. They were manufacturing a bomb with such radiation that it would kill anyone near it. Luckily, we 40 were far enough away or were underground when it hit. Sadly, the other 2,000 were not. It left us permanently scarred and terrified. Some even took to suicide. No one here in L'manburg was fully human now. We were all dismorphed freaks.

I never forgave Wilbur, but everyone else did. No one else knew Wilbur was behind it. They all assumed it was Dream. It wasn't. I knew. 

     "Hey Schlatt," I finally grow the balls to ask. "What were you doing when the nuke hit?" I ask him. 

He turns his head slightly, air slowly exhaling out of his nose. "Why?" His voice was scruff and annoyed. No one liked talking about it.

     "I was just curious," I tell him. Which I was. I was legitimately curious. "How did you survive?"

     "Well... me and Tubbo were in the kitchen. He was just a kid. He was barely four in fact, and I was grabbing his juice box out of the fridge." He exhales, preparing himself to speak once more. It truly hurt to hear him speak like this. He hated talking about it. We all have just looked past it and tried desperately to forget. 

"I had just sat down when I heard a terrifying noise. It was as if a firework had just gone off in my ear. I was terrified. I immediately grabbed him and ran downstairs. As I was running, I could feel the Earth shake below me. I knew the bomb had hit. I locked the basement and bunkered down. This was back when I lived in a much smaller house that had an equally small basement. I barricaded the doors with as much stuff as I could, making sure to cover the cracks. Apparently, I didn't cover it well enough, because the splitting headache was almost immediate. I tried to soothe Tubbo as well as I could, which was hard because all he could see was his dad crying too. I was scared." 

I stay quiet. His experience was much similar to mine, except that he had a kid with him. A poor baby. It hurt to hear. 

     "How about you?" He asks me softly, the car coming to a halt in the parking lot, yet he didn't unbuckle, his head only turned to me to listen.  "How did you survive?" 

I hadn't thought about this memory in years, in fact, I've had it repressed so far that I question it even happened. No one around me talks about it, I don't think about it. It's one of the best things that could happen. No one deserves to remember. We should just forget. 

    "I was still a kid myself actually. Freshly 15." I look at him. "It was when I first escaped from Mexico, escaped from my father. I was with Karl when it hit, as I was living with him at the time. We were all living with Sap and his parents, playing card games in the already decently sealed basement. The nuke hit and as you said, felt like a firework in my ear. We turned to each other in fear. We knew what would happen next. Sapnap's parents practically threw us to the ground, trying to protect us from the radiation that we knew would follow next. I wish that I had escaped just one week later. To save me from this mess." I exhale softly. 

He just nods softly, his eyes drifting away, not making any sort of eye contact. 

     "I hope nothing like that happens ever again. I'm just afraid poor Tubbo won't have me there to protect him from those monsters. If I go down, it won't be to a nuke. If I go down, I want it to be by my own hands." He gets serious there for a second, staring harshly at the steering wheel. "Even if it's by your hands, I wouldn't mind." His words were disturbingly romantic. Grousomly flattering even. 

     "Me neither honestly," I disregard entirely what he last said, instead answering his first statement. That other sentence is a whole new can of worms that I'm not willing to open right now. "I don't think anyone wants that to happen again." 

We stare in silence for a second, both of us looking out the hazy windshield, watching the snow sift out of the clouds, falling to the ground in a mist. God, it sure was snowing an awful lot. It's been nonstop snowing for the past week. I don't know if it will stop any time soon either. From the look of the already 13 inches of snow, it's not promising. 

     "Hey, Schlatt..." I begin, my mouth aching with fear and anticipation. "What will we do if another war goes down." 

      "Pumpkin..." He turns his head to face me, "I'm The President... Remember? I have control over what happens. We won't have a war." 

I look at him as the realization rushes over me once again. I'm still in complete shock that he legitimately is president. In the history books, we'll be named. 

     "Promise." My eyes narrow down on him. 

     "I swear on my life." He brings his hand out, revealing a pinky.

I bring my hand out as well, interlocking our pinkies. Our eyes meet as this happens. I trust him. Not exactly with my life per se, but I do trust him. 

     "Pinky promise?" He mutters. 

     "Pinky promise," I confirm.

Red Looks Better On Liars- Schlatt X QuackityWhere stories live. Discover now