9~Cold Heart, Boiling Tea

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  "I like that idea."

His hand lays on my cheek, bringing it towards him, kissing me softly. I feel my frown shift quickly to a smile as he does so. I laugh a small bit, a soft blush across my cold cheeks, the window opened a crack beside us, the cool breeze rushing in. 

I feel as his arm falls under my legs, holding me under my knees, his other arm going under my arms, beginning to lift up, holding me bridal style. 

     "Ooh!" I giggle a bit as he stands up completely, wrapping my arms quickly around his neck to keep myself from falling flat onto my face, "I expect you to hold me like that at our wedding." I could tell the wedding comment had taken him completely off guard as he stops for a second, before continuing to walk. 

   "Of course I will," He begins, leaning towards my ear, lowering his voice quite a bit, "This is how I held you before I fucked you for the first time." 

    "OH!?" His comment scared me if anything, for I hadn't expected that... at all actually. "That escalated! Jesus!" I exclaim out, beginning to laugh, the soft blush on my face quickly turning to a bright red. I watch as a smug smile comes across his face, as to say he was proud of himself for what he had said. More or less on how it made me react. Because oh boy did I react. 

We walk downstairs... or he walks downstairs, I just kinda cling onto him. This was a common way of getting around. He'd go to stand up, me being the clingy asshole I was, would beg him to carry me, which of course he'd always comply. I could tell he secretly loved it.

We make it to the bottom of the staircase, his posture drooping a bit, easing me onto the blistering cool of the floor underneath us. I jump a bit, not expecting the icy floor. Schlatt notices me flinching, smiling a bit, amused at the fact I had gotten startled. 

   "You're acting as if it isn't the middle of February." He teases me, rolling his eyes playfully. 

    "At least it isn't as cold as your heart, we'd all be dead if it was." I tease back.

    "The floor isn't that cold," He responds. "I'd say the floor is about as cold as Clay's heart right now, but that would be a bit too far." 

     My jaw dropped in surprise. I began to smile a tad, unsure I had heard him correctly. I laugh a bit, shaking my head before beginning to step into the kitchen, flipping on the light switch, and illuminating the room before us. 

    "That joke was horrendous." I chuckle a bit, leading the way into the tiled room. 

He begins to also step into the kitchen, glancing at a picture taped onto the fridge. I watch as he is visibly stunned, his face gone completely cold. I give a look of concern before leading my eyes to where his gaze was so fixated that he had seemed to forget to breathe.
    "Tubbo." He mutters.

   "Oh my god- Is he okay? Did you ever call Puffy?" I ask him, realizing why he seemed so alerted. Tubbo was supposed to go with him after the presidency, though after Schlatt trying to shoot me and all, I guess he lost track of him. We both lost track of him.

Schlatt quickly finds his way to his pocket, quickly whipping out his phone, and dialing a number. He quietly takes a seat at the kitchen counter waiting for the person on the other end of the line to pick him up. I wouldn't expect anyone to pick up, especially seeing as it was 5 am and all, but whatever. 

To my surprise, someone picked up.

    "Is Tubbo there??" He murmurs, attempting to keep his composure, trying to not cause panic in the older. (Who I could only assume was Puffy)

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