14 ~ I Couldn't Do It

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TW: Vomit 


I watch as Tubbo hops up the stairs, a huge smile across his face as I stay at the table. I sit back down, staring emptily at the sandwich that lay only inches away from me. I attempt to pick it up before ultimately getting up, and grabbing the plate. I make my way to the kitchen, stepping down onto the bin's lever system, and opening the can's metal lid. I take the small piece and dump it in the trash, a muffled noise echoing out. 

I let loose the lid with my foot, the metal coming crashing down. I place the plate into the sink carefully, trying to make as little noise as possible as it was pretty late. The radiant L.E.D. light shone brightly in the darkened kitchen, my astigmatism causing it to blur. 8:43, the light screamed at me. 

I squinted my eyes, as I was just beginning to get used to the darkness. I turn out of the room, turning off the dining room lights before beginning up the wooden stairs, turning off those lights as well. I press my feet against the cold bareness of the hallway, slowly making my way to our bedroom. The door hadn't been latched, a small space in between the door and doorway. I press my feet against the bottom of the door, opening it all the way.

Schlatt was sat against our headboard, a book held firmly in his hands, his small glasses laying precariously on the bridge of his nose. He glances up at me before beginning to smile, the window next to him still barely opened. He turns back to his book and flips a page, not a single word was spoken.

I make my way to our shared bathroom, taking my toothbrush out of the cabinet, and placing it in my mouth. I dig through our cabinet to find the toothpaste. I undo the cap, take the brush out of my mouth, and apply the paste onto the bristles. I put the brush back into my mouth, before slowly beginning to clean my teeth. I stare deeply at myself in the mirror, watching the way my eyes had a dark aura around them, sunken eyes as I was tired. 

The feeling in my stomach hadn't gone away. The terrible sick feeling in my body, that was. I close my eyes tightly and continue to brush, brushing off the feeling, my legs quivering underneath me. 

I take my toothbrush out of my mouth, holding it beside me, feeling butterflies in my stomach. I try desperately to stop what I knew was going to happen. I tilt my head upward, swallowing as hard as I could to stop myself from throwing up. I knew it was going to happen regardless, I just wanted to delay it for as long as I could. 

It didn't work.

I fall to my knees, pressing one hand against the toilet seat, the other holding the toothbrush above my head. Vomit quickly pours out of my opened mouth. I make horrific sounds as I cough and gag, tears beginning to flow down my face as I do.  

    "Damnit!" I cry out, hitting the seat with my fist with frustration in my voice. I hear footsteps behind me as I sob. I hear as Schlatt sits down beside me, his hands brushing the hair out my face, tucking it softly behind my ears. I feel as my body lets out another gag before I could even get out a word. The second time was harsher than the first. 

Schlatt holds onto my hair, making sure it didn't fall as I threw up. This time it was mostly water, as my body had disposed of all of the little food that was left in my body. 

I cough continuously in a row, hot tears streaming down my face. I was heaving as I couldn't breathe, my chest rising and falling in quick recession, searing tears rushing down my face. I gag once more, both my arms shaking with exhaustion. Nothing comes out, as I had probably thrown up everything I had. 

I feel as the ram grabs a cloth off of the countertop, wetting it in the sink (all while sitting down may I add), and places it against my face. He wipes my eyes first before wiping off my mouth, turning my head towards his. I watch a faded look of concern in his eyes, placing the cloth in the sink, retaining eye contact.

    "I couldn't do it," I begin, tears beginning to form on my face again.

I feel as his hand gently holds my face, carefully wiping my eyes with his index, keeping his hand on my cheek. "It's okay, Alexis." A small smile appears on his face, pure kindness in his tone. I don't think I've ever heard him call me that. I didn't know he even knew my name. I usually hated when people called me that, but. . . This time it felt different. I finally felt comfort in the name after many years of hating it. 

    "Tubbo wanted to split his sandwich," I begin to explain, "And you know how I am with saying no to him," 

Schlatt says nothing, only listening intently to what I was saying. He only nods me on to continue.

    "I really couldn't do it," I confide to him. 

He merely sits in silence, waiting patiently for me to be done speaking. "I understand." He says finally, a brief yet comforting statement uttered from under his breath. He stands up, brushing his knees off, placing his hand out to me. I grab onto it, him pulling me up to my feet. 

    "I guess I need to brush my teeth again," I mutter sadly. Schlatt laughs under his breath, shaking his head before stepping out of the room.

I brush my teeth once more, brushing more thoroughly than before, as the stench still lay in my teeth. 

I spit the water out of my mouth, laying my toothbrush into the cup beside the sink. I slowly begin to look myself in the eyes once more in the mirror, a faceless expression in my eyes. 

I step back into our bedroom, the light already being turned off, the lamp beside the bed remaining on. Schlatt had already been laying down, already under the comforter. I crawl into bed, putting the covering over myself. I lay my head against his chest, wrapping my arms around him as I snuggle near him. I feel as his arm wraps around me as well. He kisses my forehead before turning off the light. 

   "I love you,"

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