15 ~ Beautiful

140 7 15


The morning blaze hits my fluttering eyes, awoken by the feeling of air pressing against my face, pushing the hair from my eyes. I open my blurred eyes to the sight of the opened window. I must've forgotten to close it the night before. The beautiful shimmering gold of the snow blinded me, as the sun had barely risen.  

I drag my eyes towards the clock that lay hushed on the opposing wall, the clicks a constant reminder of the neverending concept of time. Every tick was a second of my day draining away, whispering to nothingness, just as I had been. 

I pull myself out of bed, pressing my feet against the cold carpeted room, sliding on the slippers I liked to keep beside our bed. I really was getting old, who in their right mind would wear slippers? Unless they were retired or in a movie, no one. 

I stood up straight, beginning to walk towards the dresser, picking out the outfit I'd like to wear. The light was still dim, so I could barely see what I was picking out, only seeing the basic outline of the different clothes. I grabbed out a basic sweater, a dark blue one with hints of purple mixed within it. If I was going to dress old, might as well go all out. I thought as I grabbed a basic pair of jeans. Might as well look stupid too. We weren't doing anything, so why would I wear something elaborate? 

I don't bother leaving the room to change, as Schlatt was dead asleep. Even if he did wake up, I doubt he'd care. If anything it'd be a treat for him. 

I slid off my oversized shirt and shorts, leaving myself in my boxers. My outfit last night was something only to be described as something Adam Sandler would wear. Something so ridiculous, but comfortable. 

I slide on the jeans, the pants fitting perfectly to my hips and waist, wearing a belt to really enunciate my body. I had felt overly confident today, unsure why. I never felt this comfortable in my own body. From as far as I could remember I was self-conscious, have it been my father's constant reprimanding me over how I looked, or whenever my teacher would pull me aside to pity me for the way I was, or was it, 

I trail off in my brain, my eyes catching attention towards myself in the mirror. I hadn't had a shirt on yet and was simply admiring my features. I'd never done this before. My hair was ruffled messily in front of my face, shaggy in the back, my pants slightly baggy, yet low enough they'd show off my waist, my chest's wounds healed and scared, the bandage around my stomach, basically hiding it from me. It was the first time I wasn't ashamed of myself, I was actually proud. 

I sit there, combing through my fluffy raven black hair, brushing it softly away from my eyes. My hair had grown more than I'd like. I really needed to cut it. 

My gaze falls to the conveniently placed scissors, laying on a couple of boxes in the closet. It's a sign! 

I grab onto the plastic tools, eyeing myself in the mirror. I decided it was far too dim to do it here and that it would be much easier to do in full light. I make my way to our shared bathroom, the one that had been connected to our bedroom, so Schlatt would technically have a full line of sight of what I was doing. I didn't care. Schlatt was dead asleep, he wouldn't give a shit. 

I don't even bother putting on a shirt, as I knew hair would get trapped in the fabric. I sit down atop the bathroom counter, reaching over and turning the light on. I sit 'Indian style' on the marble material, my legs folded under one another. I take a piece of my hair, take the scissors, and smoothly slice through, the strands snapping as each of them gets cut. 

I hold the piece in my hair, shocked that I actually had done it. I have always wanted to cut my own hair but didn't know how I'd go about it. I sit quietly, humming slightly as I brushed through my hair with my fingers, chopping off piece by piece. I chopped it to a perfect length, grabbing the comb and brushing through it quickly. I take the beanie I had always kept at the counter and slid it onto my hair, covering it so only hints of hair were peaking out. I loved it. 

I hop off of the counter, wipe the excess loose hair into my opened palm, quickly glancing from the hair back to my face, who for their first time cutting hair, did a damn good job. 

I toss the strands into the trash, covering the bin with the lid. I turn on the faucet and rinse off any excess hair, trying to be as quiet as possible. I dry my hands off with a towel before turning off the light, leaving me in complete darkness once more. 

I bring myself towards our bed, simply looming over Schlatt's unconscious body. I studied his folded eyes, watching the way they twitched ever so slightly, his chest rising and falling as he slept. I slowly grab my phone off of our bedstand, staring rather aggressively as it was hard to see him in the dawn morning.

I slip my phone into my hands, sliding it into the pocket of my oversized jeans. I grab one of the smaller blankets that lay at the foot of our bed and wrap myself in it, the soft fabric masking the cold air that had come out of the window the night before. 

I begin the walk to the cracked window, opening it up the rest of the way. I throw my leg out the window, crawling out onto the rooftop. I close the window most of the way, leaving a small crack so I could still get inside. I sweep bits of snow off of the tiled canopy, snow still falling from the sky to soon take its place. 

I press myself against the wall, watching pieces of snow fall down, all of the houses in the distance's lights shut off and everyone still asleep. I bring my shivering hands to my cold lips, pressing them against my face for warmth. I always loved to watch the snow fall into a flurry of happiness, twisting and dancing in the frigid wind, taunting me with their joy. It was a beautiful sight to be told. 

I wrap myself harder in the blanket, smiling to myself at the beauty. 

I loved this time of year. 


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