29~ Alexis Dumbass Quackity.. Has A Ring To It!

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Tw: heads up this chapter is like super fucking sad. I'll be putting the TW's in the comments on this, since it will have mild spoilers. Be warned because wtf


I walk uncertainly, pulling my legs forward as my eyes graze the oh-so-familiar hallways. My hands held a small box containing my belongings, bringing them with me downstairs, to which Schlatt had already set out a pile of keep-sake items.

My eyes train on the windows as I breathe in queue with my steps, eyes wincing as the sheer light shines through the semi-opaqued blinds of the different offices. Ravaged and abandoned, picked to pieces as every other building in this forsaken town of hypocritical idiots. The building is far from empty. The building was abandoned. The tables were smashed in, windows opened, and papers skewered on the ground and walls. Nothing about this was the same as it was a week ago, not after the presumed death of Tommy and Wilbur. The people who worked under Schlatt soon gave up their job in the prospect of respect.

Barely anyone liked Tommy, but Jesus fuck, he's a child. Wilbur was a little psychotic, but even that could be overlooked for his fantastic personality. Those two people couldn't be replaced, and everyone knew that.

A sigh leaves my lips as my eyes come to a brief close before opening immediately up again. My sleep deprivation couldn't catch up to me now, not here at least. 

I regularly wondered how this presidency was going to play out. But never did I imagine it'd look like this.

Though who knows what will come of our future, for now, I must figure out what to do in the present.


I place the boxes into our car, filling the back seat with the different-shaped items. The desk would have to be picked up during a different trip, as there was no way that it would fit. I throw myself into the passenger seat, holding a box on my lap as I awkwardly hoist the seatbelt over my chest, careful to not spill the contents of the cardboard. Schlatt gets in beside me, holding a small box in his hands. He absent-mindedly hands me the box, turning to buckle his seat belt as well.

I cock an eyebrow at the item now tucked evenly in my hands, a beautiful burgundy box. I press my fingers over the hard material, Schlatt finally settled in, turning the key and starting the car. He rests his hands on the steering wheel and briefly looks at me from the corner of his eyes. He seemed to be waiting for me to speak, yet too shy to ask.

      "What is this?" I ask, gesturing toward the box. My eyes met his before he quickly looks back toward the windscreen. He lays his hand on the console, ready to shift out of park, yet he doesn't move.

      "Just found it tucked away in my office, was going to see if you'd like it," He says uncharacteristically quiet, a smile twitching his lips. He was nervous. Never did I see him nervous.

My expression twists from confusion to surprise. What could this possibly be?

I cautiously open the deep maroon box, the wood painted beautifully against the darker outline of the tiny box, hints of gold twinging the sides. It opens with a quick 'pop', revealing two stunning rings, shimmering against the afternoon light. The smaller ring was a deep blue, whilst the other was a dark red, with similar golden designs on both.

My eyebrows knit together, bringing my eyes suspiciously up to Schlatt. My mouth creates an O as a breath rushes from my lips, creasing quickly to a smile. I give a weak laugh of astonishment at what was happening. Schlatt's face contorts from a concerned embarrassed to a huge grin faster than what I could even begin to comprehend.

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