43~ El Gato!

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I lean forward on his desk, eyes narrowing. "Festival?" 

     "Well, I wanted to give Tubbo the chance to speak in front of a crowd, and thought it would be the perfect idea." He speaks clearly, leaning back in his office chair.

     "Why would you want Tubbo to speak at your festival?" I roll my eyes.

     "He's my son. Besides, think it would be a good experience." He waves me off. 

      "Why would you want to do that though?" I dig deeper, eyes narrowing. He didn't just do things for fun. There was something he wanted.

      "Is it illegal to have some fun?" He scoffs, smile wavering.

      "No, but it is suspicious." I cross my arms.

       "Whatever, pumpkin." He grins. "It'll be happening the 16th." 

      "You've already discussed this with people?" I ask, eyes narrowing.

      "Yes. I've spoken to Puffy. She says that it would be good for him. Get him back into talking." 

      "He's not talking?" I ask, eyebrows raising. 

      "Not much, no." He shrugs. "I guess almost burning alive is pretty traumatic." 

My eyes narrow, lips turning to a snarl. "If only that could have been avoided." 

He grins, eyes gaining a testing glint. "If only." 

I scoff, pushing off of his desk and turning toward his window, looking over the view. It looks over the land, the land we now own. If anything, I prefer this house. If only I wasn't sharing it with such a man.

     "You're a bad person." I say slowly, eyes lowering to the ground, glancing around the front yard. No sight of Nick. Either he'd been hidden very well, or more likely, he went home. 

The windows' clearness becomes opaqued with his reflection, appearing behind me and pressing his hand to my shoulder. "I know."

I make eye contact with him through the glass, frowning. "Why do you do this?" 

     "I could ask you the same." He shrugs. 

I shake my head. "I don't do half the things you do." 

He chuckles lowly, shaking his head as I did. "Same to you." 

I frown deeper. "You can't compare us. One of us tried killing their son." 

He rubs my shoulder with his hand, tilting his head almost as a puppy would. "And one tried killing their ex. Are we really any different." He stops, narrowing his eyes. "I'm afraid to break up with you, seeing what happened with Clay."

I scoff, dragging my eyes away from his. "Would you really be missed, though?" 

He shrugs. "Who knows? I know Tubbo would be upset, though. I love that kid a lot and would never let anyone hurt him."" 

My lips purse and I squint. "You told me a different story yesterday." 

    "Did I?" He grins. "Shame." 

I shake my head, tilting my head to eye him in person. "What's your deal?" 

His smile doesn't falter, just grows a condescending air. He leans, resting his chin on my opposite shoulder. 

      "No lo he decidido."

I shiver, lips curling distastefully. My mouth is only inches from his, his hands snaking around my waist. My gun is hidden at my ass. What's the main part of my body that Schlatt likes? My ass. 

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