17 ~ Promise Me?

126 6 17

mention of suicide and death


The incline caused his hair to sway ever so softly in the ruffling breeze, his face a brief frown, beauty marking his majestic beginning, his eyes a sharp gold in the sunlight, streaks of brown wisping out of the center.

    "I was in love, Quackity," He says once more, choking on his words. "But I guess, sometimes cupid can be wrong." He finishes, his eyes shutting softly as he speaks. I never saw him like this, his body language was soft and for once not tense. He was calm, his guard was completely down. Defenseless. If I were to push him, he'd accept it and simply fall. 

    "Schlatt..." I begin, laying my hand softly onto his shoulder, turning him to look me dead in the eyes. "Are you afraid I'll leave you?" I ask in a whisper. 

He simply turns his head away, staring down at the roof. He brings his hand up to his face, wiping at his eyes, assumably beginning to tear up. That answered everything. He was afraid history would repeat itself. He was afraid I would leave. 

   "You know I would never leave you, right?" I ask him, my voice quieter than the last, my voice cracking with sorrow. 

   "Yeah-" His voice was faint, still wiping at his eyes, trying desperately to stop crying. You could tell Wilbur's words cut deep. Deeper than anyone had ever. "I love you too." He mutters quietly. 

    "I'm just always stressed that if I don't remind you... or if I don't spend time with you," You could tell he had just completely given up trying to hide his tears, his hands laying in his lap, staring down at the world below us, his glimmering tears hitting the blanket around us. 

"I'm afraid I won't see you again."

He looks over at me, wiping his eyes once more. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be this weak around you, this isn't what you want." He begins to desperately beg, his hands bringing themselves to his face instinctively. 

    "Schlatt, Schlatt..." I speak to him in a calming manner, a small smile beginning to form. Bringing my hands to his, taking them away from his face and holding them, I coerce, "You know I'll love you no matter what. I don't care if you're 'weak' or if you're 'strong'. I don't care about stereotypes. I don't care what other people think of you. I just care about you, and you only. Nothing you can do can make me not like you." 

He stays silent, giving completely up. His eyes slowly begin to open, looking at me, as a feeble smile appears. I pull his hands towards mine, moving his head closer, pressing my lips softly against his, smiling softly in the short kiss. I separate our faces slowly, beginning to look into his eyes.

   "I'll always love you, you know," I tell him briefly. 

   "Please," He says in defeat, "Just promise you won't leave," 

   "I promise I won't leave you, " I respond softly. 

   "Promise you won't leave us. I'm worried you'll kill yourself, Alexis. I don't want to lose someone else like I thought I lost Wilbur." Schlatt finally breaks down, tears quickly streaming down his face one after another, his hands cupping his eyes, his head falling down a bit. 

I feel as the color completely sinks from my expression, complete shock hitting me. Suddenly the world around me was quiet. Suddenly the world around me was dark. Suddenly I wasn't real. My body felt fuzzy, and I wasn't in control. I was merely a shell of terror, banging desperately at myself, trying to get me to say something, anything. 

Suddenly it all made sense. He was worried about me. He wasn't worried about our relationship... he was worried about...


I felt sick.


           Hearing him beg like that was sickening.

                                             "Tubbo needs you,"

                                                                 Everything about this is sickening.

                                                                                                  "I need you." 

I felt sick. 

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