4~ It Wasn't Supposed To End Like This!

349 10 21

Tw/Cw: blood, violence, gore


The walk felt like an eternity. The snow pierced my shoes, numbing my feet, the cold biting at my bare ears, causing them to sting. It was painful, to say the least. I was in pain.

The crunching of snow under our feet had been the only noise. Simply walking through this barren forest, the leaves on the trees had fallen for winter, the occasional evergreen in between the arid brown plants. The grass was covered in leaves that had not disintegrated into the ground before the snow had come, freezing them and coating them with a layer of snow.

I smell the air, the obvious smell of smoke had begun to leak into the air. I shoot my expression up to the sky, a concerned marking on my face.

    "Wonder what they're burning..." Clay mutters, stopping for a second, taking notice of the smoke cloud burrowing through the woods.

   "Smells like..." I smell the air for a second, trying to decide what it is that I am smelling, "it smells like a house fire."

He simply does not continue the conversation and continues to venture on towards the smoke, towards the town.

    "It's probably the gunpowder from when they were shooting at Will." He mutters, taking out his dagger from his pocket, and slicing through a large thorn bush.

The sounds of screams begin to become more and more prominent as we come closer to the city. The sound only made my heart beat faster and faster. I was terrified. What was happening? Will I die? Are my friends okay?

As we begin to get closer, I feel as I begin to become antsy. I speed up slightly without realizing, trying to get there as soon as possible. Clay was still walking his normal speed, occasionally jolting me back to make sure I didn't run off, as I still had my hands tied to a rope. I could only watch as the fire grew, the sun gone completely down, the fire causing the sky to bleed orange. As the screams began to come closer, I knew we were near.

We get to the end of the forest, Clay pushing the thorns over, allowing me through. I look up, watching as the orange sky before I came closer, the dark thick smoke burrowing through the air.

   "What the fuck?" I speak quickly, coughing quickly, inhaling mass amounts of smoke.
    "Oh..." Clay speaks quietly, stepping back, looking into the sky," What the fuck is right... what are they doing?" He tells me, the dagger sitting idly in his hand, too mesmerized by the bright orange to do anything.

I lurch forward, Clay holding his ground, stopping me from moving.

    "Are you going to let me go?" I snipe at the man, looking quickly from the fire to the man before me.
    "I was told to take you to the stage and keep you in the backroom while all of this calms down." He tells me, holding the dagger in his hand.
    "What? You aren't going to let me go? Are you serious?" I scream at him, quickly jolting my hands to the side, knocking him slightly forward, as he had been holding onto the rope as tight as possible.
    "Quackity!" He scolds me, getting his footing once again.

We make eye contact as I start to smirk. This idiot. I yank my hands to the side, throwing the man off of his feet, the knife falling quickly out of his hands, him falling directly onto the ground. One minor flaw to my plan... I was still connected via rope. I landed directly on top of the man, my knees on either side of his waist, my hands still bonded together. As I practically straddled this man, we gave each other a quick look in the eye, the blonde looking completely flustered.

The knife skidded across the grass, landing about 4 feet away from us, our eyes locking once again, this time instead of shared awkwardness, it was a shared desire.

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