32 ~ Fire? Where!

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My eyes narrow, my fingers twitching and my mouth moving around unspoken words. Was he implying what I think he was? His eye meets mine with an eyebrow cocked, a challenging glare. I knew from that look that what I was afraid of was true. Schlatt had tried to kill both me and Tubbo. This wasn't an accident, though I wished, so desperately, it was.

    "Why," My voice sounded gruff to my own ears. I prayed this smoke would clear out of my system relatively quickly, as this voice that was speaking was not my own. 

    "You know why," He grumbles, rolling his eyes. My eyes narrow indignantly. I was tired of this. I was so beyond pissed. He was willing to put both me and our--his son at risk over an allegation? What kind of monster was in the place of my sweet caring boyfriend? 

    "I don't," I say with a hardened gaze. "Tell me, what have I ever done to you to deserve this?"

He's silent for a second, thinking over his words, gnawing on his cigarette. A sigh finally leaves his lips, his rigid stance deflating. "You almost killed my son," He speaks smoothly.

   "What!" I burst, head whipping to face him. I had half the mind to push him into the fire. He doesn't even have the balls to look me in the eye. 

He doesn't even flinch, a smile twinging his lip. His eyes slowly make their way toward mine, the smug expression obvious on his face. "You broke your promise to quit smoking weed, got high, and left the stove on." Now there's a grin. "You understand? You about killed my son."

I inhale a deep breath, trying to calm the rapidly increasing heartbeat. "How many people did you tell that?"  My voice comes out in a shaky whisper, my brain connecting the dots. He was putting this onto me. He was painting me as an arsonist. 

    "No one, yet," He studies at his cuticles innocently. "As long as you're on your best behaviour, it'll be considered an accident." 

    "I'll ask you again Schlatt," Now my hands are shaking, a mixture of cold and fear freezing me in place. "Why?" 

    "Because I thought you were cheating on me," He says coolly. "I assumed this would be the best action to punish that," 

    "You thought. You fucking admit you were wrong? Now? Why is it now you admit it." I snarl, a wicked scowl on my face, finger pointed into his chest. 

His expression doesn't falter. He reaches into his pocket, grabbing my phone out smoothly. "I checked it while I was waiting. You're still not innocent, though--" He begins to hand me the phone. My heartbeat hammered hard in my ears, and all the emotions I've felt tonight have all accumulated into one. Ang--I was pissed. 

My hand meets his halfway, ripping the phone from his grasp and throwing it to the concrete, shattering the screen completely, sparks ripping upward. Now finally, his cool expression breaks into one of confusion. I step forward, gripping his shirt with my left and swinging with my right in one fluid action. The sound was immediate, a sickening crunch leaving his nose, blood splattering both me and him. 

I step back, heaving a breath, adrenaline shooting through me and my hand aching from the strike. 

"It was a mistake to love you," I speak clearly, not an ounce of regret in my voice. I meant it. 

He regains his composure, his face's once smug expression falters to a grimace, wiping at the steady stream of blood. "Good hit honey, learn that from your pa too?" 

I snarl, flicking my hand to the side to get rid of the blood caking my hand. 

As I throw another punch, he dodges, pushing me backwards in the same motion. "Fucking hell Alexis, give it up." He grumbles. 

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