21 ~ Is This Love?

157 5 34

mention to ED and SH, there's yelling and shit yeah


I always loved being around them, their smiles, their laughs, and their fun energy. Yes, of course, me and Schlatt joke around, but not to the degree they do. They have fun. 

We sat around the counter, joking, and just having a good time. A fun time I hadn't had in a while. I loved Schlatt to death, but by God was he mentally draining. 

I took casual bites out of the piece of bacon I grabbed, ripping small portions off to eat. It was something Schlatt had always done. To make the food look "smaller" so I wouldn't get overwhelmed as I ate. I appreciated it a lot. 

     "You're a bitch sometimes, you know," Sapnaps says out loud, throwing his finger up to Karl, who was laughing on the floor, his head pressed against his hands. I watch silently as they bickered. They seemed like so much fun to be around. 

   "Oh~! Ha- I'm the bitch. You're the one who threw a pancake at me!" He laughs, beginning to stand back up from his balled space. 

   "And I'd do it again if I must!" I hear Nick scream, grabbing his fork and pointing it at him. Karl does the same with his spoon. God, they were fun, but they were hectic. While Schlatt's mentally draining, they're physically draining. 

The laughing dies down as they just sit around and talk, discussing life and such. There was still laughing involved just not as much. I enjoyed either conversation. It was a change from Schlatt. Everything we talked about led to arguments. And arguments then lead to blood and tears. Always. He really doesn't deserve me. He was much happier before he met me. I can only assume he was at least. 

    "You seem awfully quiet," Karl comments in my direction, my eyes fixated on the wall in front of me, staring vividly at the brick fixture. 

I jump harshly, readjusting my eyes to his quickly. "Yeah, just thinking," I say quietly, mostly to myself as my eyes fall back to their spot. 

He brings his hand up, resting it on my back. I see from the corner of my eye, Karl and Sapnap giving each other a look that made my stomach churn. It was worry. They were worried. God, I hated when people worried. I immediately bring my face up, beginning to back-track what I had said. 

     "Nothing bad, of course. Just about life." I say, my voice shy, quietly trying to make their faces turn to anything but disappointment. They were disappointed. There were no questions about that. I couldn't even look them in the eye. "I'm sorry." My voice was hardly a whisper. They wouldn't hear me.

   "Quack, don't apologize." Karl's voice was soft, so beyond caring. He rubs my back, bringing me into a hug. "Just concerned, that's all." 

   "Don't be. Really, don't be." I try and tell them, but I know they wouldn't listen.

   "You can always talk to us, you know," Sapnap says in the same, sweet, caring voice Karl had. 

   "I know, I just don't think it's necessary," I say, my eyes falling away from theirs unable to retain eye contact. I found that if you make eye contact, it only makes them more aggressive. I don't want them to get aggressive. They're the only ones I have left. 

    "No, you really do," Karl adds. They're teaming up on me. They'd outnumber me. I feel my breathing get harsher. I was scared. I shoot my eyes down, desperately trying to avoid any sort of interaction other than verbal. 

   "Hey," Nick's voice was kind. Condescendingly kind. He didn't mean it. My voice was shaking. I couldn't hear him. I couldn't hear anyone. I couldn't hear myself. I desperately tried, but I just couldn't. I was afraid. 

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