49 ~ Wasted

65 3 40

Niki's Pov!


The wind falls through the bars, sifting through the stiff air. My eyes hover blankly over Nick, standing uncomfortably just across the room from me, standing guard.

    "Hope you're not too angry--" He attempts to say, his drawl coming in thick. 

    "I'm pissed." I snap back, crossing both my hands over my chest and slamming my back harshly against the concrete. It ached, but it was better than feeling nothing. "I thought you said I wouldn't be a hostage." 

     "I never said that," He murmurs slowly, eyes avoiding mine. "I just didn't give you the full story."

    "So you're killing me to save your ass?" I bite back just as he did. Slowly and methodically. 

He stares at me.

     "Nah, don't word it like that." He gasps out, pushing his fingers to his temple. "Look, Niki. You're going to get out of here. I'm not just going to leave you here. Especially around Schlatt--" 

    "So you know Schlatt's dangerous. Why the hell would you want to work with him?" I cut him off with a shout, throwing my hands in the air. "I thought you were Quackity's friend."

    "You don't know anything." He says quietly but sternly, ominous. "Don't even pretend you do." 

    "What do I not know? Other than the fact that you're betraying your friend." My gaze flicks up, to Nick, and my body fills with anger. Nicholas had always seemed infatuated with Quackity, and it amazes me how quickly someone can switch up on someone. I always thought they would end up together, but Karl soon came along and... whatever. None of my business.

    "I'm doing what needs to be done." He says, looking away from me and to the doorway. 

    "What's that exactly?" I say slowly, narrowing my eyes.

He doesn't answer me, eyes flicking briefly in my direction, showing his defiance. 

     "Okay, so now you're ignoring me? I should have never trusted you, Nick. I should have never believed you were anything but a traitor." My body shoots up from its spot on the ground, palms striking the metal bars. Nick flinches but does not turn to face me. "You're a coward." 

He opens his mouth but bites down, turning away to completely disregard me. 

    "You're a coward. You're a coward of a man. I hope Karl sees who you truly are." My teeth grind together, leaving my words barely discernable to a growl of a wild rabbit. I place my forehead to the bar, glowering. "Coward."

   "I'm not a fucking coward." He shouts and throws his sword between the bars, right in front of me. "Watch your mouth, bitch. I can kill you."

    "Schlatt wants me alive, Nick." I speak confidently, but my voice still came across as cracked and weak. I suppose having pseudo confidence doesn't help when you have a needle-like object directly adjacent to your eye.

    "You don't know that," He bites back, gnawing on his lip. Still air makes his breathing obvious, heated and angry. It stills softly, his eyes trailing from mine to the sword stuck between the bars. Blood cakes the metal, turning the once black blade maroon. He begrudgingly retracts the blade. "I'm not a coward." 

    "Nope. Not a coward." I whisper, swallowing thickly in the hot air. Leaning my head backward and away from him. "Not at all."

He breathes in a deep sigh, closing his eyes briefly. "Look, I'm sorry." 

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