53 ~ Hijo De Gato Caza Ratón

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Sunlight blinds my eyes, shimmers over the hardwood, and illuminates the room around me. It brings the sad, depressing room to life. Or to what life it can spare. 

I lift my hands to rub my eyes but find it captured. My gaze is hazy and tired, and I am barely lucid. Schlatt sleeps beside me, head tucked beneath my arms as if I had been holding him. But I would never hold him. Not after all he'd done to me. 

I narrow my eyes, blinking once, twice, before accepting that this had been true. Schlatt was truly in my arms. And if Schlatt was truly in my arms, that meant that last night... Fuck.

My mouth purses and a deep, heavy sigh leaves my nose. His hair drifts quietly along with the breath, feathered and obstructed on his face. It was beautiful. 

Or as beautiful as this man could be. 

This man was still terrible, after all. 

His nose scrunched slightly, a sign of his awakening. It reminded me of a small animal, wrinkling its nose in faux innocence. Except rather than a small animal, it was a large bear, inches from devouring me whole. 

His eyes open, if only slightly, catching sight of my harsh gaze. His eyebrow lifts, a small smile on his face. 

    "...You sure woke up happy." 

His voice was gruff with sleep, quiet at first before his breath caught up with him and made his words clearer. 

    "Would that count as seduction?" I ask slowly, the question lingering in my mind since last night. My voice is grave, soft but crackly. 

     "--I mean--" He sputters, eyes drifting to the window behind me. "I guess? Maybe?" 

I scoff. "Yeah, you seduced me." 

He deadpans. "For it being seduction, it sure as hell didn't take that much begging." 

My eyes narrow, lifting my head off of my pillow. I scoop the pillow from behind my head and press it into his face in one solid swoop. A muffled scream leaves from behind me, hands grabbing at mine. I give one last push before giving up, letting the heavy grip loose. He removes the pillow, sucking in a long desperate breath.  

     "--Fuck." He gasps. His face lifts to a grin, falling to soft laughter. He sits up, the blanket sliding down his torso and revealing his tanned chest, scars caking every inch of his person. Littered from his chest to his abdomen, to his... fuck.

My eyes shoot back up to his, finding he hadn't seen me gawking. He's not attractive. He's a terrible person. A very attractive-- I mean terrible-- man. 

I push him lightly, smiling under my breath. He falls, dramatically hitting the pillow with a gasp and groan, clutching his chest in agony

I laugh now, punching him in the shoulder. "Shut up, dumbass." 

He looks up at me, a big goofy smile still spread over his face. It made my heart burn, not of love, but pain. This is what we could've had. We could've been in love, not whatever fake shit was happening. 

Wilbur was going to assassinate him today.

My grin falters only slightly. 

A pillow slams into my face now, throwing me backward and slamming me against the bed frame. I gasp a breath, hands gripping the pillow in desperation, grabbing at his hands instead. They're warm and scarred, his knuckles warn and calloused. I grip harder, giving the tell that I had wanted him to let go. 

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