42~ Crazy? I Was Crazy Once...

63 4 34

Quackity --

My hands feel almost natural. 

The way they perfectly encapsulate the pistol, heating the metal with their still grasp. My fingers held completely still, tilting the pistol to the side to truly admire the beauty of what I had in my grasp. Nick stepped back, face tight with discomfort. 

     "Don't uh--... be careful with that thing, Quack." He lifts his hand to tilt the barrel away from him, his hand quivering as he puts it back down.

My gaze focuses on him again, my face even. I graze just the tips of my fingertips over it. "How many bullets do I have?" 

He frowns, glancing over at the gun. "Not sure. Do know it's loaded, though." 

     "Can you check?" I ask, extending my hand with the weapon. He flinches backwards, pushing the barrel to face the wall. 

     "Jesus fuck, dude, stop pointing that at me."  He sputters. "Besides, no! I've never even held a gun before today." 

I take it back, hand hovering over the trigger. His gaze falls to my finger and groans. "Why did he trust you with a weapon?"

     "Who?" I cock my head.

His lips turn to a thin line. "Bad." 

     "Bad-- Bad gave you a fucking pistol?" I sputter, almost non believing.

     "Yeah, he's actually trained in firearms." Nick supplies, eyes not leaving the gun.

I follow his gaze, taking my finger off the trigger. "God damn, you're skittish." 

He frowns. "You literally just threatened to eat someone." 

     "It was a joke," I shrug nonchalantly, but the reminder made my blood boil just as much as before. "But, thank you for reminding me. I might have to reconsider the logistics." 

He frowns. "I can't tell if you're serious." 

I just give a lopsided grin, cocking the gun and pointing it at the door. "Do I look serious?" 

He scrutinized me, eyes lingering over my neck before transferring back to my eyes. He says nothing.

I walk forward, hand reaching out to the door. Nick halts me with a stammer, jumping forward as if to stop me. He lands just beside the door, beside the hinges, pushing his hand out to stop it from opening. "Wait!" 

I turn my head. "What?"

He looks uncomfortable now. "You're not going to... y'know... kill him, right?" 

Now I'm confused. "Now why the hell would you give me a gun, and not expect me to shoot him?" 

He narrows his eyes. "Well, I dunno! The Quackity I knew last year wouldn't. That Quackity wouldn't do half the shit you would right now." 

     "Well, that Quackity is dead." 

He frowns. "I can't let you kill him." 


      "You know why, Quack." He groans. 

       "If you only knew what he's done, he would have been dead in an instant," I growl back, gun shaking in my hand. 

       "I know more than you think," Sapnap growls right back, hand balling into fists. 

       "Like what? Did you know about him holding me at gunpoint? Or when he basically kidnapped me? Or that he is the one that lit that fucking house on fire? Did you know about that? Huh?" My voice raises, but only a bit. Schlatt is still in the other room after all. 

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