44 ~ Mourning Someone Alive

77 3 37

Sapnap POV:

The door latches behind me, frigid wind hitting my face and rustling my hair. My eyes narrow and I walk. Away from the bushes, away from the house. I don't give a second glance.

My pace quickens when I'm out of range, making my way toward the lot holding my car. I parked far to prevent suspicion.

My lips curl, fumbling my phone from my pocket. I throw myself into my vehicle, dialling Karl's number swiftly. It rings once, twice, and he picks up. 

      "Yes?" He hums. He almost sounds tired.

      "I just spoke with Quackity. I'm on my way home." I press my fingers into my temple, my hand resting on my wheel. 

      "Oh good. How was he?" 

I grimace, looking at my cuticles. "T'be honest with ya', not good. Not sure how he's lasted this long." 

     "What do you mean?" 

I take my car out of park, put him on speakerphone and position the phone on my lap. "Pretty sure he's lost it." 

      "Yeah, you just noticed?" He grumbles.

      "Well, I noticed before, but damn. He threatened to skin and eat his boyfriend." I shutter. "Don't know 'bout you, but I find that a little concerning."

      "Oh. Yeah, that's. . . Not normal--" Karl drones out, phone falling silent for a second. "--Did you check up on him? Mentally?" 

     "Couldn't. Schlatt's got him broken down. He won't speak hardly unless first spoken to," I frown. "Dude's fucked." 

Karl doesn't speak for a second, a soft noise coming from the mic. Assumable to be him clicking his tongue. "I see."

We don't speak for a second, my eyes becoming unfocused to the road. 

      "Have you spoken to Clay recently?" Karl asks softly.

      "No, why?" My vision returns to my phone as if Karl is on my lap. 

     "Well, he swung by the house earlier. Lookin' for you." 

I narrow my eyes. "Did he want to hang out? Or did he need something?" 

    "By the tone of his voice, the second one." 

I nod, eyebrow furrowing. "Wonder what he wanted." 


Karl meets me at the front door, holding a cup of coffee, lousy with sleep. I cock an eyebrow. "Just wake up?"

He shakes his head. "I had a nap. I don't know what's come over me recently."

I frown, closing the door quickly behind me and taking off my shoes. "Headache still botherin' you?" 

He nods solemnly, cocking his head. "Can we lay down?" 

I give a curt nod, leading him to the living room to lay down on the sofa. I sit first, and he lays his head on my thighs. My fingers trail through his hair and I hold him close. He was cold.

I rub soothing circles into his scalp, frowning down at him. "Do you feel at all any better from earlier?"

He shakes his head. "Not really. I keep having these awful dreams." 

I cock an eyebrow. "Go on?" 

     "I don't know how to explain them." He grimaces, tucking his face comfortably into my stomach, and snuggling closer to me. "The first dream was a black lake." 

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