25~Did I Do That?

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The outfit he picked out was a basic white tee shirt and black slacks. Something semi-professional, yet still comfortable enough to do stuff in. He tossed the clothing onto the bed next to me, implying that he wanted my opinion. 

     "It's nice, throw me a hoodie and it'll be perfect," I ask him, leaning up from my laying down state. 

     "Sure," He complies, grabbing out a basic blue hoodie. I loved blue as a color, as it always went along with anything and everything. 

I catch it as he throws it, snatching it in mid-air. I stand from the confinement of the bed, keeping my bare feet on the carpet. 

I grab the shirt from the bottom, pulling it up over my face, revealing my bare frame, my stomach completely covered in long thick bandages. The cloth had easily removed anything I was insecure about. I was finally confident enough to call myself attractive.

I make eye contact with Schlatt as he non-indiscreetly looks me up and down, very obviously checking me out. I didn't mind of course. I was flattered if anything. I grab onto the white tee shirt, sliding it over my cold body. 

I next drop my pants, stepping out of them to grab onto my slacks. He doesn't say a word, he doesn't move. I bring my chin up, making eye contact once more. I pull up my new pants, buttoning them. 

     "Aren't you going to change?" I ask him.

     "I'm just watching the show." A smug expression appears on his face as he smiles. He was ridiculous yet adorable. I love him. 

     "Want me to pose for you or something?" I grin, doing the most stupid pose I could think of. Which just so happened to be the gayest thing ever. I flared my arms up, placing them under my chin, smiling at him. 

    "You're cute," The ram laughs, shaking his head before looking down at the clothes he held in his hands. He had already had slacks on, as that's all he wore. I watch as he slides the shirt off of his frame, the cloth getting caught on his bulky body. He was so beyond attractive. I'm surprised I'm dating him. He's way out of my league.

    "Oh is it my turn?" I giggle, hopping onto the bed to sit, watching him. 

    "It's always your turn. I can see you checking me out constantly." He rolls his eyes with a smile. 

    "Same goes for you," I mutter quietly. 

He slides his arms into the button-up, standing with strangely good posture as he does. He pulls the sides to a close, slowly buttoning up each individual button, starting from the bottom up. It was so intricate to watch. Rather than quickly rushing to put on his shirt, he was slow. He was precise. Whenever I wore button-ups, I'd always end up missing one, or all of them. I wasn't patient enough for it. Obviously, he was. 

His eyes lead up to mine, already halfway through his buttons, still going as he didn't need to watch what he was doing. Muscle memory my friend. 

He fixes his collar as he retains eye contact, accidentally leaving a button undone at the top. I guess he was paying more attention to me over his button. It was flattering. 

He grabs out his tie, having to look down to know what he was doing. He turns to face the mirror in the closet, slowly and rigorously putting his tie on. It has just occurred to me, over the 5 months that we have been together, I have never seen him tie a tie. He just always has one on. I've never seen him put one on. It's just always there. Weird. 

I pull myself off the bed as he finishes his tie, turning to face him as he looks at me. He pulls up the red fabric to tighten it, looking me in the eye. He was so attractive. I loved ties. I loved suits. I loved proper attire. He was everything I loved. I loved him. 

Red Looks Better On Liars- Schlatt X QuackityWhere stories live. Discover now