52 ~ HEAD, Shoulders, Feet, And Toes

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Schlatt hovers his hand over my lower back, guiding me into the house, guarding me, so I don't escape. 

In front of me stands Nick, trying to comfort a distraught boy, crying and kicking. 

My gaze narrows, darting from the boy to Schlatt. My stomach turns in unease. What happened? I turn to face Schlatt, but his eyes show complete indifference. 

     "Don't," He warns, lip curling to his son. "If you show him compassion, he'll just cry harder." 

    "Come on man." Nick whines, face curling with disgust. "He's just a boy, be nice." 

    "When I was his age, I already knew crying was for pussies." Schlatt deadpans, gripping my shirt and beginning to drag me. I pull back, physically taken aback that he would put his hands on me in front of Tubbo and Nick. 

When Nick looks unsure, Schlatt turns to him and snaps. "You want me to take care of him and you take care of Alexis? Cause I'll gladly beat the tears out of that little shit." 

Tubbo hiccups a breath, holding it in his throat. Sapnap's eyes widen, eyes darting between me and Tubbo. I slightly shake my head, just as horrified. Nick nods slowly, putting his arm protectively around Tubbo. "No sir. I can handle him." 

    "Then fix him." He narrows his eyes down at him. Nick swallows thickly, looking at his hand to Tubbo. "Do it, Nick. Show me I can trust you." 

There needs to be a distraction. Quick. 

I make eye contact with Nick and purse my lips. I knew what needed to happen. 

My face morphs within a split second, gone from my calm and slightly annoyed self, into the annoying brat I found myself being more often around him. I throw myself down, catching Schlatt off guard. He jumps forward to lift me, yanking me back to my height. I use this momentum to pull to a side indignantly. 

He lets go abruptly, pushing as he does, sending me stumbling backward. I hit the wall flat on my back, my lungs sputtering out what little air was spared. 

My lungs spasm as I suck in, stiffened, standing tall, or as tall as I could. He turns around, eyes narrowing. "Now where did that get you?" 

     "Away from you." I cross my arms, hair standing on end in discomfort. "Prick." 

He rolls his eyes. "I'm not going to argue with you, sweetheart."

    "I'm not your sweetheart." 

     "Whatever, I ain't got time for this bullshit, come on." He side-eyes Nick, motioning for Clay and me to follow him. "I'll have Dream break your legs if you run."

      "Not if I break my legs first," I snap. "I will gladly be jumping from that fucking window." 

      "I bolted that shit shut. I know you, pumpkin." He snaps right back, turning his head to face me.  

      "Damn." I scoff, bringing my fingers to my temple. "Well, I'm out of ideas." 

      "Jesus. You're dumbass." He growls, throwing his hands in the air.

      "Somehow that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me." I snarl, crossing my arms. 

Nick stares with wide eyes, eyebrows shooting up. "How are you two still dating?" 

     "Shut up, Nick," Schlatt speaks.

      "We're not," I speak.

Schlatt and I snap at once, an angry snarl from cheek to cheek. 

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