48 ~ Is This Even DSMP Any more? Or Am I Making Up My Own Shit At This Point?

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Tw: Nothing bad really.

(guys this pov is happening while Quackity and Puffy are on their walk back to his house.)

Sapnap Pov:

My shoes slide on with only a hitch of effort, lacing solid black, almost invisible compared to the combat boots mounded to my feet. My stomach churned and I knew, this was it. Clay sat near, but not beside me. He was right geared up. His boots shimmered in the dull light leaking through his window, George sat with his arms crossed beside him on the fancy velvet couch.

    "I don't see why this is necessary." The Brit scoffs, looking past Dream and to me. I bite my tongue and look back down, shrugging on my jacket. 

    "I already told you," He begins slowly, putting his phone down briefly to look at his boyfriend. "It's our job." 

He stands, but George does not. He remains sat, a profound frown on his face. "Come on, Clay. It's Quackity. He saved you." 

     "He did not." Clay snaps back, eyes narrowing. I observe, a question on my lips. I heard Quackity mentioning that he'd tried to kill Clay, but really? For some reason, I just assumed he was yammering.

     "What?" I speak without thought, eyeing both men. George looks at me for a second before raising an eyebrow.

    "You don't know already? Quackity found Clay in the snow and saved him." He proudly announces, side-eyeing his partner. Dream rolls his eyes.

    "That bitch was the one that tried to kill me. Why would he want to save me?" Clay sneers, stepping out of the room just out of view. I make eye contact with George and shrug.

     "Because he's a good person." George supplies in a mutter, eyes drifting from mine to the window. 

     "No, he's not." Dream yells from a couple of rooms down. 

     "Pretty good hearing, I'd give him that." I shrug, speaking in a whisper.

Dream returns shortly, harbouring two masks. One was the one Clay would wear, and another was a modified version. A black, porcelain base, with two barely discernable eyeholes. 

    "What is this?" I ask slowly, taking it from his hand. 

He doesn't respond but puts on his. 

I click my tongue into silence, sliding on the mask. 

     "Click the side twice." Clay hums, himself fidgeting with his mask. 

I do as he says. The mask feels cool against my face, hardly any awkward placement. It was nice, albeit the situation. Once I hit it twice, it lights. A faint dimness to the middle, before blossoming out into the world around me. It seemed the small lights I saw before were cameras.

     "This is what your mask does?" I ask, exasperated. For some reason, I never questioned the mask. Or how Clay could see with it on. This makes sense.

     "Yeah." He drones. "If you tap the back of your head it will toggle a voice changer. It's nothing fancy, but it works."

I nod, looking over at George. His lips fall to a line, looking me up slowly, judgmentally. 

    "I expect this out of Clay, but you?" He lifts his lip. "Really?"

I look at Clay and my eyes narrow. "Sorry, George. But your boyfriend sold out. And sold me out in the process." 

He retains eye contact with me with a sigh. "Yeah. I know." 

We both turn to face Dream, who couldn't care less about the conversation at hand. He was checking his armour, clicking his gun in his holster. One last check before we leave.

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