2~It's a Little Chilly

371 11 17

tw: Mention of Suicide.

Silence. If only for a moment, there was silence. I could only stare into his eyes, complete terror washing over me. Time felt as if it stopped completely. The banging on the door faded out, the buzzing of the light above went quiet. Silence.

From the loud crashes at the door, turning to aggressive slashes, I could only stare in front of me, not bothering to turn around. I only slowly shook my head, beginning to breathe loud, the adrenaline pumping through my shocked body. 

The silence didn't last for long, as I heard the cracking noise of the lock being busted open, the door swinging ajar. Clay begins to step into the room, holding up a gun, pointing it at us. Karl's hold on my shoulders quickly throws me behind him, beginning to shield me from the crazed man on the other side. I stood unmoving, my heart beating loud. 

    "Karl, step away." His voice rang through the house, his authorized tone making me cower in fear. 
    "Not a chance. Bastard." Karl stands his ground, showing zero signs of fear. His voice sounded annoyed if anything. 

   "Karl." If on queue Schlatt walks through the entrance of the door, reaching into his coat. "Step back." Schlatt's watchful gaze studied the boy. Karl's hand quivered slightly. I could tell Schlatt knew he was scared. 

    "Alex. Run." Karl's words echoed through my racing mind. I was terrified. What would happen? Am I going to die? 

I merely step back, my eyes completely widened, my chest rising and falling quickly. 

    "You really had to make this difficult, you idiot." Schlatt grabs something out of his coat, pointing it at the boy. 

    "Karl! No!" I scream out, but alas, I couldn't deter him. His finger pressed down on the trigger, a tiny zapping noise emanating through the room, hitting him directly in the chest. Karl begins shaking as the electricity flows through him, his limp body quickly falling to his knees. 

   "Clay, get Quackity," Schlatt yells out to the man, continuing to taser the boy whose body was shaking against the floor, his screams of agony drowning out everything.

I take that as my queue to run. Run where? There weren't many places to run to. I back up quickly, soon turning completely around and bolting through the open door behind me. Where would I go? I have no clue. As I began running, my breath was loud against the thick air around me. I scoped out the closest room, Clay running not far behind. No, that wouldn't work. 

Upstairs. I turn my head slightly, beginning to bolt up the carpeted incline, glancing behind me slightly, watching as Dream struggles to get up the stairs, the armor limiting his stiff movements. I run down the long corridor of a hallway he had, reaching my hand out to the metal doorknob, quickly opening it, assuming it led to another hallway. Though alas, no. To my surprise, it only led to a bedroom. 

I turned around, seeing as Dream had kicked open the door, staring me down. I was cornered. I was done for. The cool breeze from behind me caught me off guard. An open window? I have nothing left to lose. I'm being chased by someone with a gun. If I die, I wish to go in style. 

I only glance behind me, Dream stopping in his steps, his face filled with absolute horror. 

    "Quackity, step away from the window." His voice warned me, beginning to step towards me, me stepping back, hitting the cold wood. I only watch his movements, my serious face began to show a hint of amusement. I quickly flash a smile, beginning to laugh. 

    "Or what? You'll kill me! Look at me Clay, do I look like someone who's afraid of death!" My laughter echoed through the empty house. "Here's a little lesson Clay. Don't. Fuck. With. A. Suicidal. Person." His face was filled with complete shock and fear, beginning to step forward. I stepped back, breathing in a quick breath, getting a running start then... I leaped. 

As I threw myself out the second-story window, time felt as if it froze, feeling as the freezing air shot into my face. Clay simply ran to the window, staring out at me as I fell. It wasn't too bad of a fall, only 16 feet. As I fell, my clothes wrinkling in the wind, I allow my hand to rise, my middle finger sticking up to the man in the window. As I flip him off, I begin to see him backing away, presumably about to go run down the stairs and begin chasing me through the forest.

To my luck, Karl had only shoveled his driveway this morning, leaving a convenient snow pile. I aimed myself toward it, falling directly into it. 

Yes, it caught my fall, but it also probably gave me hypothermia. Almost as quickly as I fell, I leaped out of the pile, the sudden cold sending shockwaves through my body. My foot quickly hits the ground, one after the other I begin running. To where? I have no clue. All I knew was I needed to escape. I needed to do so quickly too. He most likely wasn't far behind me. My left hand was held by my right, keeping the wrap secure as I ran. 

I felt as a smile began to form on my face, beginning to think about the incident as I ran, when would I ever get to jump out a window while flipping someone off? Most likely never again. 

I ran in a random direction, truth be told, I had no clue where I was or was going. All I knew is I had to gain distance between myself and the furious man not far behind me. The adrenaline I had was wearing down, I was tired. I truly was tired. 

The cold air was almost deafening against my ears, the angry wind pushing against my heaving body. My footsteps were disorientated. My vision was occasionally blurring. The sound of my footsteps against the soft snow was drowned out by a loud ringing in my ears, a painful screech. An angry screech. 

I wanted to stop, I truly did, but I knew Clay wasn't far behind. I did not allow Karl to get tased for me to get caught. Though, where would I go? I know that Sapnap was most likely on Clay's side, seeing as they're best buddies. So if I go to him, he'll most likely turn me in. If I go to Puffy, she'll spite me for bringing this upon myself. Not as if I don't spite myself already. Having someone else spite me would be awful. I really had nowhere to go. 

Then I remembered something... Tubbo. Where was Tubbo? Was Tubbo safe? I allow my shaken hand to fall to my pant pocket, grabbing my phone out of my pocket, still running, leaping over the large sticks in my path. I quickly put in Puffy's contact, allowing the phone to press against my numb ear, the ringing worrying me. 

I breathed in heavy, staring ahead of me. 

Fuck, Fuck, Fuck! 

I let out an annoyed 'fuck' under my breath, fiddling with my phone, sliding it back into my pocket. 

My footsteps were tired, almost tripping over myself constantly. I stared off into the distance, the horizon a terrifying blur. I was losing hope in the situation. I just wanted Tubbo to be safe. He was 12, the people that were in the chase would assume that he was with Tommy. 

I breathe in deep, refocusing my shaken vision. My feet were frozen in the cold dress shoe material, my shirt a thin fabric, the snow melting through it, leaving my back a frozen cold. I could've sworn I was going to get hypothermia. 

I slowed my pace, gasping for air, my weary eyes watching the horizon. I quickly duck behind a tree, my legs slowly giving out. I collapse onto the frozen ground, my knees sinking into the deep snow. My eyes struggled to stay open, I stared at the ground in front of me, trying to stay awake. 

My hands were strung through my hair, my beanie being my really my only form of heat on my head. I slowly curl in a ball, admitting defeat. I allow my head to lean against the cold tree behind me. 

I allow a tear to string down my face, freezing quickly onto my skin. I return to my ball, my breathing slowing as I shook. I don't care if I die. I just want this to be over. 



Summary: Karl got tased, Quackity is getting chased by Dream and Schlatt, Quackity collapsed into the snow due to him being tired. 

Words: 1463

Wrote on: 2/28/22 <3

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