20 ~ Coincidence or Destiny?

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tw: very brief mentino of suicide


I awake softly to the sound of people whispering around me, incoherently mumbling away words I couldn't yet comprehend. I close my eyes quietly, not wanting to be awake just yet. As I try to fall back to sleep, I find it far more complicated than usual. I would normally just close my eyes and God would do the rest, yet this time my body decided it wouldn't simply allow me to do so. 

My ears ultimately adjust to whispers around me, able to hear what they'd been discussing. It wasn't anything important, just random things to keep their minds going. It was Karl and Sapnap. I could tell his voice from anywhere. My heart jumped at the simple thought of hearing him. 

     "Did I ever mention Quack came here without shoes..?" Sapnap mentions briefly, as their previous conversation had come to an end. 

    "No," Karl begins, his voice trailing off slightly. 

    "He showed up without shoes, or hell even a coat," Nick explains to the man. 

   "Did you check his temperature?" He asks softly.

   "Of course. It was pretty rough though. Hence why he's got a blanket over him and is using me as a heater. He came in here confused and exhausted. Poor dude probably got hyper-thorm-aa, or however you say it." Nick's southern draw comes in, attempting to pronounce the deadly disease. 

    "Hypothermia, Nick. It's pronounced Hypothermia. Also, I wouldn't doubt he'd got it. He's looking rather beaten up." Karl mutters to him. I could feel his gaze burning through my eyelids. He was definitely watching me. 

    "Poor dude. He never actually explained to me what happened." Sapnap's hand goes loving through my hair, brushing it away from my face, tucking it softly behind my ear. At this point, as I had faked sleeping, my body had actually tricked itself into falling into a shallow slumber. One that was barely even considered sleeping. More like a soft nap. 

   "It was probably that dickhead Schlatt," Karl mutters to himself, though you could tell he was rolling his eyes through his words. 

   "What do you mean? Schlatt seems pretty nice." Sapnap says in a quiet voice, sounding betrayed at what he was about to get told. 

   "Bastard's beating up Quackity," Karl explains in a quick manner, not cutting any details out. "He came here after the election after Schlatt snapped his wrist in half. Have you not seen him limp? Have you not noticed how easily triggered he gets whenever you come near him too quickly? Have you not noticed the way Schlatt practically controls every aspect of his life?" 

Sapnap was quiet for a second like he'd been thinking about what he'd been told. He didn't respond for a while, them sitting in quiet silence. 

   "I guess I'm a bit oblivious when it comes to things like this." He finally says, a quiet whisper leaving his lips. He brushes my hair once more, my face pressed against his soft chest, my arms wrapping lovingly around his warm build. My knees were in a ball, yet still all the way against Nick. 

   "It's okay, I didn't realize until it was too late. There's really not much we can do now. It sucks to say, but it's true. Schlatt's president and he probably forced Quackity to be vice. If they were to break up, Schlatt would just shoot him and hide the body. He'd probably have no problem doing that either." Karl mutters to his significant other, Sapnap coddling me in his arms. 

    "Jesus Christ. He never upwardly told me either. So I'm assuming either he just forgot, or there was someone telling him not to." Nick says quietly.

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