23 ~ Are You Sure?

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The car comes to a soft slow as we enter the driveway, careful on the icy pavement. His soft slow turns to a complete stop as his car finds its way to its parking space. Schlatt takes his hand off of my thigh, using that hand to take the key out of the ignition. He just sits there, soon turning his head to me. We were met with silence. I sit awkwardly, not knowing what to do next. It would be rude to leave, but at the same time, I don't want to stay here. Maybe I do want to stay here. 

      "Hey Schlatt," I begin to speak, turning my face to his. He looks me in the eyes, entailing that he was indeed listening. "I love you, you know that right?" 

     "Sure, of course." His mouth curved to a false smile, I could tell he wasn't actually sure.

     "Earlier when I left I felt that I had said some stuff that I didn't mean," I confess to him. Looking him in the eye made this conversation easier. I could tell what he was thinking, I knew what he would do. 

      "You didn't say anything that upset me." He informs me. I was unsure if he was being truthful, as I knew what I said would hurt me if someone else had said it. 

     "Are you sure? It's been eating away at me in the last few hours." I admit softly, feeling abnormal safety in the confinement of his car. 

     "Eh," He shrugs his shoulder, his expression trying desperately to stay the same. "Yeah, you're right. It messed with me a little bit. It messed with Tubbo the most though, he was convinced that we were getting 'divorced'." He says honestly. 

     "That's why I left. I didn't want Tubbo to get upset from seeing us fight, plus I didn't want anything physical to break out. If something physical did break out, I'd rather Tubbo not be present." My voice gets quiet, staring off harshly.

     "Why would something physical break out? It was barely even an argument, if anything it was just a tearful conversation." He tells me confused. 

I stay quiet. I wasn't sure. Maybe it was the fact that I just assumed that arguing immediately would turn to violence. The household I was raised in only cemented that fact. They fought until they didn't. After my mom's untimely death, that violence only got transferred to me. I always looked at Tubbo as a young, innocent, Alex. Whose life has only begun, yet is already ripping at the seams. I didn't want Tubbo to get yelled at. I wanted to protect him. He deserves the world and more. 

      "I don't know." I finally whisper after seconds of intense silence, my eyes remaining on Schlatt's lips, spacing out completely. It was a lie. I knew. I didn't want to tell him. 

      "I would never lash out at you when Tubbo's around, I hope you know that." He mumbles to me, seriousness across his expression. It was slightly comforting to know. I wouldn't care if he slapped me, I wouldn't care if he shot me, but by God, if he even pinches me whenever Tubbo's around, I will go ballistic. 

There were no words to say. I was quiet. My eyes crept back to his, a small smile across my face as I do so. He doesn't smile back, he only watches. He studies my expression with such precision that I would have thought I was a holy experiment. Neither of us knew what to say. We shared the same gut feeling. 

     "If you want to break up with me, tell me now," I say with a small sigh. 

     "What?" He gets completely knocked out of his trance, physically getting taken aback. "No! No, no, I don't want to break up with you." 

     "Are you sure? You seem pretty upset." I ask him.

     "Honey, why would I break up with you?" He asks me.

     "I thought we had this conversation earlier," I mutter. 

     "Yeah, and I thought I cemented the fact that I was utterly in love with you." The ram's expression softens as he looks at me, his eyes meeting mine. 

     "We shouldn't just dump each other after a minor argument." He continues softly, our faces mere inches from one another, trapped in the confinement of his car. "I love you too much to lose you." 

     "Thank you," I say softly, as this truly meant a lot to me. "I love you too." 

I watch as he opens his arms, inviting me to a hug. I unbuckle my seatbelt, awkwardly crawling over the center console to throw myself into his hold. He embraces me softly, placing his head on my shoulder as we hug. It was so comforting. 

I love him more than anything. He is my everything. 

I love you.

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