31~ Jumping From A Window Never Gets Easier. . . Trust Me.

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Tw/Cw in comments. i totally cried while writing this, and I'm the fucking author. thats so embarresssing


The blissful black abyss felt almost familiar as if I had been in it before. My eyes focus on the darkness surrounding me, darting from side to side. Was I unconscious? Or was I blind? My focus shifts to my feet, a light sparking to life in front of me. I crouch to its level, the discomfort in my muscles dissipating to numbness. I could feel my body, but not within.

I let myself fall to my knees, inspecting the shimmering golden spotlight. The glass was glossy, and the metal was cool. It was so cold. My hands clasp around one another, the same chilling feeling encapsulating myself. The spotlight flickers off to push me back into darkness.

I swallow the breath hitched in my throat as I stand to my feet once more. Another light flickers on the way in front of me. I walk toward it. My ears rang painfully as if to fill the unbearable silence. I snap my finger, the noise echoing through the darkness. It wasn't a complete void, I've come to realize.

As I reach the second lamp, it falls dead as well. The next turns on. I run. I was being led, as a sheep. I followed blindly toward the hope of freedom, but nothing would let me out. He was trapped in blissful blindness. Blissful ignorance. The blindness wasn't a room, but the blindness was his mind.

He's blind, he's alive. I'm sighted, I'm free.


I gasp an unabated breath, shivering uncontrollably as white light overcomes my vision and sends me out of the blackness. My muscles spasm with pain, and I'm dragged back into the real world.

I open my eyes and squint to avoid the light streaming into my face. My nose was bloodied and I felt weak. The world was spinning and I felt sick. The noises entering my head were whispers, disorientated by ringing.

I pull my hand forward, dragging myself toward anything but where I was in that instance. My body felt nothing, but my mind felt panic. I needed to get out. I needed to run. If I could learn to stand.

My world was spinning. I was drowning.

A foot presses against my head, pushing my body back down. My face is pressed against the hardwood, the freezing temperatures falling back into my body, and goosebumps appearing on my skin. The foot exerts pressure on my head, causing a pulsating pain. It hurt so badly. The groan that left my lips felt inhuman, as if it weren't me who had spoken.

The foot is soon replaced by a hand, wrapping through my hair and yanking upward, a seething pain in the back of my head. My eyes shut instinctively, to limit light from paining me any farther. As I open them to see whoever has my head, I shrink. A man is towering over me, his mouth opening and closing as if he were speaking, replaced instead by distant ringing. I was so dizzy.

I open my mouth to myself to speak, but nothing comes out. His words filter, coming out as confusing snippets. Who was this man, why did he have me? What did I do to anger him this deeply?

"Who," I whimper softly, eyes looking at his. My arms felt alien to my body, a weight pulling me down to the ground. My legs felt worse. I could stand if I figured out how. His eyes widen, frown replaced by a thin line on his face. His other hand comes to my view, a pistol glistening in the sunlight. It's my turn for my eyes to widen, my mouth instead falling open.

My head and body shake, muscles still confused about how to escape. I couldn't escape if he still had my hair.

I drunkenly pull my hand upward, batting uselessly at the hand in my hair. He surprisingly enough drops me to the floor, taking a step backwards. I growl under my breath, ready to defend myself to the end. My hands find purchase on a dresser beside me, using that to support the weight below me.

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