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The young woman strutted into the BAU like she owned the place . Her face held a small smile as she walked towards the Unit Chief's office .

" Hot damn " ; Derek mumbled as he saw her pass by .

" Who is that ? " ; he asked .

" You don't know who that is ? " ; Spencer asked him .

" Nah pretty boy but whoever she is , she is one hot girl " ; he said , his eyes following her as she entered Hotch's office and closed the door behind her .

" You seriously don't know her ? " ; Emily asked , surprised.

Derek shook his head .

" This is SSA Kiara Jacobs . Unit chief of the Blacklist Division of the FBI " ; Spencer answered .

By that time , Kiara was looking out Hotch's window . Her eyes landed on Derek and she smirked before pulling the blinds .

" Well , what is she doing here ? " ; Emily asked .

" And in Hotch's office ? " ; Derek added .

" What's up kiddos . You all look deep in thought " ; Rossi asked as he came into the bullpen , JJ behind him .

" Kiara Jacobs is in Hotch's office . The Kiara Jacobs . God , I love that woman " ; Emily sighed .

" She's taken " ; Rossi replied .

" How do you know that ? " ; Derek asked .

" Because Hotch and her are regulars at my private no team only friends dinner party " ; he replied .

Kiara's Pov :

" I am pretty sure Derek called me hot damn " ; she smirked at Hotch .

He walked over to her and kissed her passionately .

" He is not wrong .... But .... Your already mine " ; he said between kisses .

" I know " ; she smiled .

" I need you team's help " ; she finally said as they separated from the kiss .

Hotch nodded .

" My team is trying to catch a Blacklister who is also a target of the BAU . George Foyet "

" You found him ? "

" He is back in Quantico  Aaron and we don't have much time "

" I'll gather the team "

Back to third person :

" But how does Hotch know her ? " ; Spencer asked .

" She is his fiancee " ; Rossi replied just as the door to Hotch's office opened and both of them walked out .

" Conference room " ; Hotch said .

The team followed the both of them like little ducklings .

" This is SSA Kiara Jacobs from the Blacklist Division . We have been ordered to assist her team in catching Foyet " ; Hotch said as soon as the team had sat down .

Kiara waved at the team and got back to the screen behind her .

" I am sure you all know about him as all of you have worked the case . Foyet is back in Quantico and has already been causing trouble . He was seen planting small explosives around the city , running around killing people , trying to be smart and to throw us off his trail by changing his M.O . but Agent Mojtabai was able to single him out from the CCTvs and his crime patterns indicate he is going to be attacking a coffee shop in the next two hours . I need help to catch him " ; Kiara explained .

Aaron Hotchner × Kiara Jacobs One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now