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Just some moments where Aaron got kinda roasted by his wife - 

1) Aaron - how could you have been so irresponsible ? you went in without a vest ! you could have gotten shot ! 

Kiara - says the man who put locks on his front door after he was stabbed 

Aaron - ...........................

Kiara - ............................. gotcha ! 

2) Kiara - the doctor cleared you for the field ? really ? are you sure or did you not hear her properly ? 

Aaron - I am fine and she cleared me to fly and be in the field . 

Kiara - oookaayyy * hesitantly * 

* later on the plane * 

* Aaron with his hand on his temple * 

Aaron - babe , do you have some aspirin ? 

Kiara - * sweetly * headache ? 

Aaron - * nodded * 

Kiara - suffer . I knew it ! you aren't cleared to fly but no , big mighty Hotchner will never listen ! now suffer ! 

* few seconds later , throws the sheet of aspirin tablets towards Aaron * 

3) Aaron - remind me again , why did I marry you ? 

Kiara - because your previous wife left you 

4) Aaron - this is my happy face * points to his stoic face * see , I am happy ! 

Kiara - ..................................

Aaron - ........................................

Kiara - you have the same face for everything , its hard to distinguish 

Aaron Hotchner × Kiara Jacobs One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now