The End for Blacklist

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Not really a Aaron and Kiara one shot but what I need you to understand is that this book follows their story like it would in a novel just under the one shot title

" Terminal Review ? We haven't had that in 5 years " ; Liz said .

" I know but somehow the whole Blacklist division has landed in hot waters with Linda Barnes . All three teams are going through a terminal review . We are next . I meet with her tomorrow morning . Till then , I cannot work this case , Donald will be acting as Acting Unit Chief , so , good luck " ; Kiara said .

" I hate this " ; Donald said .

" I heard that this was what Barnes tried to do with the BAU . And before that IRT " ; Aram piped up .

" She shut down IRT " ; Liz added .

" And now she wants to do the same here " ; Samar said .

" Relax . Try to . The subject of Reddington will come up . Whatever she asks , blame me . Bye " ; Kiara said as she picked up her bag and left before her team could protest . 

She drove home and parked the car in the driveway of the house and switched off the engine . She could feel a dread in the back of her mind . She always made sure that her team , even though reckless , always followed protocols and rules . She sighed as she got out of the car and walked up to the front door . Taking out the second set of keys from her bag she opened the door and was greeted by a delicious smell of food and Jack's laughter . 

She smiled as she closed the door and placed her bag and keys on the table . 

" Hey guys , you look whiter than usual " ; she laughed as she walked into the kitchen . Aaron and Jack were covered in white flour . 

" Mom ! " ; Jack said happily as he hugged her and in the process smeared flour on her navy blue blazer . 

" Alright stinky and stinky's dad , what the hell are you doing ? " ; she asked . 

" We are making Spaghetti from scratch " ; Jack said excitedly . 

" Was your face , put an apron and then come back . Go " ; she said to Jack . He ran up the stairs . 

" Hey . your home early " ; Aaron said as she placed her head on his shoulder . 

" I was sent home . How worried should I be about meeting Linda Barnes ? " 

" What did she do ? " 

" Terminal review . Whole blacklist division . I go in for my review tomorrow " 

" Be careful . She cares more about politics and her position than others . She did the same thing with us . Starting with me and going down the ladder . The director told her to keep her hands off the BAU , so now she is after your division . Don't make it easy for her " 

Kiara's phone dinged . She picked it up and her face paled . 

" What happened ? " ; Aaron asked worried . 

" Blacklist Teams B and C failed the review . So did our division heads " 

" That's bad " 

" I know . I know that she will bring up Reddington . " 

" But you already testified for that in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee " 

" Doesn't matter Aar . She is going to criticize every decision I have ever made " 

" Look , what's going to happen will happen , thinking about it , won't change it " 

" Wish me luck for tomorrow " 

Aaron Hotchner × Kiara Jacobs One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now