Cats or Dogs

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" But daddy , you promised!  " ; Jack pouted at Aaron .

" Yes , yes. You did " ; Kiara added .

Aaron sighed . In the spur of moment he had promised his fiancee and son that he was going to let them buy a cat or a dog . If Jack did all his chores and Kiara took care of her potted plants without having them dying . Honestly,  he didn't really think that they would accomplish in their tasks .

" No Jack . We can't get a dog or a cat because we are never home. I am never home and neither is Kiara and even if we are , you know we get called in anytime.  Plus , you cannot take a pet to aunt Jessica's house "

Jack sniffled and wiped a few stray tears as he ran to his room .

" I am sorry , buddy " ; he said as Jack slammed his bedroom door .

" You upset him and me " ; Kiara said .

" I know but we cannot have a pet ! "

" A dog can protect him and play when we are not here "

" A dog is a lot of responsibility Kiara "

" Cats are independent "

" I am allergic to them "

" Really ? Because honestly,  you seem like a cat person to me "

" Trust me , I am "

" A hamster ? "

" No ! "

" Owl ? "

" Pretty sure you cannot have one "

" Lion ? "

" What ? "

" Tiger ? "

" What the hell ? "

" Bear ! "

" Why are your options going towards something that can kill me , Kiara ? "

" Spencer ? "

" He is a human and an agent ! "

" Alright ! I am out of options ! "

Soon after that Aaron got called in to work . He kissed her goodbye .

Kiara knocked on Jack's door and he opened it just a little bit .

" Get dressed cutie , we are getting a pet ! "

Jack excitedly squealed and hugged her , then got dressed and they went to the pet shop .


Aaron entered his apartment a day later , exhausted from the case . He just wanted to spend the rest of the night with his family , eating dinner and playing board games .

" Aaron !" ; a high pitch voice squeaked out his name .

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion .

That was not Kiara . She sometimes sounded like that when she talked funny but that was just not her .

" Hello ! " ; that voice came again .

Aaron slowly took out his gun and walked towards the source of the sound : Jack's bedroom. 

" Jack ! " ; the voice said .

Aaron barged into the room with his gun as the voice shouted : " Intruder ! Intruder ! "

" Its fine Robert . That's Aaron " ; Kiara said towards the corner of the room .

And finally,  Aaron's eyes landed on the bright red and green colored bird sitting on the headboard of Jack's bed . A parrot !

" You got a parrot ? " ; he asked Kiara .

" Yeah ! duh . See , a parrot is zero responsibility,  change the water and food bowl every one day , can talk , is an in built house intruder alarm , can work as an alarm clock , can talk , yayy " ; Kiara explained as she put the food and water bowls in the parrots box house which was really colourful , courtesy of Jack .

" Pwease daddy ! I like him a lot . His name is Robert " ; Jack pleaded with puppy eyes .

Aaron groaned and rubbed his face , then finally nodded in defeat .

Jack and Kiara cheered .

" But tonight , I wanted to have family game night " ; he whined .

" I know and that is why I have already gotten takeout food and a movie and after that we can play board games . I took out Scotland Yard and Cluedo ! " ; Kiara said .

" Your the best ! I will go get changed "

After freshening up , Aaron , Kiara and Jack sat at the dining table to eat dinner . After dinner they played board games . Robert also played with them , more like he was busy inputing sarcastic comments and words that Kiara and Jack taught him earlier in the day .

Few months later :

" And he caved ? " ; Rossi asked amused .

" Yes and now they are practically inseparable.  Robert is a mini Aaron " ; Kiara chuckled .

The BAU team looked towards their boss's office to see him smiling while doing paperwork and Robert sitting on his shoulder .

Aaron Hotchner × Kiara Jacobs One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now