How the teams found out that they were dating

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It was chaotic . 

1) Kiara started going over to the BAU almost everyday or whenever the blacklist team had no cases . 

2) Joint cases where Aaron always let her take the lead . He normally hated others taking the lead . 

3)  Tying up Kiara's FBI vest while she talked about how they were going to go in and capture the unsub . 

4) When asked about if they were dating , they always ignored it , insisting that they were just really good friends .

5) Aaron always offering to carry her go-bag and sitting by her whenever they were going over a case . 

6) The looks from across the room . 

7) Rossi had already figured it out when he saw the couple looking at each other with small smiles from across the room  and wanted to see how long it took for the others to find out . 

8) Samar found out when she saw them kissing after a case in the garage . 

9 ) Spencer found out when he accidentally walked in on them . Poor boy was traumatized . 

10) Liz got Jack to spill the beans about the relationship by bribing him with comics . 

11) Aram found out when he caught them making out in the cctv cameras . 

12) Aaron letting Kiara yell at him when he disobeyed her direct order to not engage with the unsub . Normally , he would have yelled back but he just silently took it all in . That is how Emily found out that they were together . 

13) Donald found out when he accidentally opened a valentines day package containing Takis on Kiara's desk . He loved Takis and he had already eaten one packet when the note fell out , n it was written - Happy Valentines Day Kia . Love , Aaron . 

14) JJ found out from Henry who had been told by Jack how much he loved Kiara and that she always stayed over for sleepovers . 

15) Aaron was just being overly happy and not grumpy or stoic faced and always went home early instead of staying late for paperwork . 

16) Derek found out when he saw them dancing together at a bar and kissing . 

17) And Garcia found out last , when Aaron and Kiara actually announced that they were dating and both teams say that they already knew . She was shocked and yelled at her chocolate thunder about how he could have kept this a secret from her . 

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