After Him

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This story is after Hotch was attacked by Foyet :

Kiara sat at the bar drinking her fifth bottle of beer . Aaron and her had a fight at her workplace . Apparently,  she had forgotten their anniversary but that's not how the argument had started . It had started with her teaching dangerous skating skills to Jack which Aaron disapproved of . He said that those skills could get him seriously injured a d then it had escalated to hurtful words and turned into a conversation about Kiara forgetting important events .

I mean , like , can you blame the girl ? She had been undercover a few days earlier , trying to catch a blacklister . She was exhausted but still took out time for Jack and then today , she had failed to catch a blacklister and had been reprimanded by her supervisor . So yeah , she had forgotten and was frustrated .

She glanced at her phone that was ringing again , for the sixth time . This time , Garcia was calling her .

" What is it Garcia ? " ; she sighed picking up her phone .

" Hotch ... He was stabbed and tortured . You need to get to the hospital  " ; Penelope sobbed on the other line .

Kiara immediately sat up straight  ,  heart beating out of her chest as she quickly placed a couple bills on the table and rushed out .

" Which hospital  ? "


" What exactly happened ? " ; Kiara asked Emily .

" Foyet broke in . That's all he said " ; she replied .

" Were there any signs of break - in ? "

" No and that is weird "

" I will have my team look into it "

" He did say one thing before passing out "

" What ? "

" Tell Kiara , I am sorry , I didn't mean it in that way "

" Okay . Uh , thanks Em "

" No worries "

A few hours later , after surgery , the doctors were able to save him but they had to put him in a deep sleep for Aaron to recover .

Kiara sat by his bed , holding his hand and quietly crying .

" If Samar gets a photo of you crying , your never gonna live it down " ; Aaron suddenly whispered .

" Your awake ! " ; she whispered back .

" Have been for a while "

" I am sorry I shouted at you . On the drive here , all I could think about is how rude I was , how I wouldn't be able to say I love you for the last time or that out last words ended in a fight.  I was so scared and angry at myself . I should have gone home with you "

" First of all .... You have n-nothing to be so-sorry about .... My fault , all of it. .... Plus , its better you weren't there.  Pretty sure the FBI would go crazy if two o-of their best agents got k-killed , all in the same day ! "

" How did he get in ? "

" I don't know "

" What did he want ? "

" He wants to make me suffer by going after Haley and Jack "

" They need to go into witness protection Aar . You know that , right ? "

" Yeah . I think they know too by now "

" Aaron ? " ; a voice spoke from behind them .

Kiara looked back to see Haley standing at the entrance of the room .

" Hey Haley . Where's Jack ? " Kiara asked standing up .

" Outside with one of the agents " ; she replied.

" And I will leave you two to talk " ; Kiara said walking out of the room.

" Hey Jackie Boy ! " ; I greeted him as I picked him up .

" Mommy said we go on vacation ! " ; he cheered.

" I know "

" I miss you "

" I am going to miss you too "

" Can't you come ? "

" No Jack but your gonna have so much fun "

Soon Haley came out of the room and I handed Jack to her .

They walked back in the room to see Aaron .

" The sight should not be revealed " ; Kiara said to the agent who was in charge of keeping Haley and Jack .

" Yes ma'am . Only you know it and have the liberty to share it with Agent Hotchner " ; he said to her .

Kiara nodded .

Jack and Haley walked out of the room . Kiara gave Jack one last hug and nodded at Haley .


" You sure you don't wanna know ? " ; Kiara asked Aaron .

" No . It is better if I don't know " ; he said drinking his coffee .

" Okay . Get up , stop sulking and drinking coffee . That's your sixth cup . Your keeping me up at night with your pacing and I am cranky.  We need to talk to Karl Arnold " ; Kiara said taking her coat .

Aaron followed her .

At the prison :-

" New ring Agent Hotchner ? " ; Karl asked him .

" None of your business " ; Aaron said getting up .

" He is not done yet "

" Who ? "

Arnold threw a diary in front of him . Aaron picked it up and saw the sign drawn .

" Foyet " ; Kiara said quietly as she stared at the sign .

Aaron Hotchner × Kiara Jacobs One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now