Death day pt.2

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The whole team sat in the waiting room of the Hospital while Tom was in surgery .

" I wanna brainstorm " ; Liz mumbled .

" You sure ? " ; Samar asked .

" Yeah "

Brainstorming sessions were common for the team . Whenever they had no leads or no idea what to do next . The brainstormed. 

" Okay.  Link between victims ? " ; Kiara asked .

" Significant others " ; Aram answered .

" Okay.  That narrows the list of potential victims to Aaron . He is next " ; Kiara sat up .

" Aram , search for criminals who we killed in the past months and figure out who had significant others " ; Samar said .

" And cross reference them with organised serial killers " ; Donald added .

" Mrs. Keen ? " ; a doctor in scrubs asked..

" Yes " ; Liz jumped up .

" He is going to be fine . The bullet didn't cause any damage to any vital organs although he has a concussion and a few broken ribs . You may go see him . But only 1 person at a time " ; the doctor said before walking off .

" Go on " ; Kiara said lightly pushing her forwards .

After Liz had walked into Tom's room , Aram spoke up  " Thomas Eaton "

" That's him ? " ; Donald asked .

" Yeah.  Fits the profile . Kiara shot his wife . Rebecca Eaton.  The helicopter bomber . And plus point , she was pregnant " ; Aram said .

Kiara's phone rang before she could say anything . Aaron was calling her .

" What ? " ; she asked .

" What did you do ? " ; he asked angrily.

" What do you mean ? " ; she asked .

" Jessica and Jack are missing.  And before they were taken by the unsub , the man talked to me and he said : " Its your fiance's fault " "

" I am on a case and the unsub is killing significant others of my team and I shot his pregnant wife "

" I am coming back "

" No your not. You come back , he takes you ! "

" I don't and I may lose Jack . Your the reason he is in this mess ! "

" And a few months back you were the reason he was in the Foyet mess.  So I guess we are even "

She then angrily hung up .

" Jack and Jessica got taken by Thomas and somehow that's my fault ! Put out a bolo for them and get Thomas's sketch out to local police stations "

" How did he get our personal information though ? " ; Donald asked .

" FBI database filed a complaint for a breach . I am guessing that was him "; Aram said .

" Incompetent security " ; Kiara cursed.


" They found Jessica and took her to Quantico general " ; Samar said .

" She was let go on purpose.  Anything on Jack or Thomas ? " ; Kiara asked .

She shook her head .

" How far will he go ? " ; Donald asked .

" I don't know.  All I know is that he won't kill Jack , not yet . He lost a kid , he sees his kid in Jack , but we still don't have enough time " ; she said .

" I think I know where he lives " ; Aram said .

" Where ? " ; Donald asked .

" Its a penthouse ! Surprisingly.  Upper east side Quantico " ; he said .

" Thanks . Call Liz and ask if she wants to go on a killing mission " ; she said to Aram before the three of us went to the SUV .


We put on our FBI vests , took our guns and took the elevator to go to the 8th floor .

" Break in ? Guns blazing and all " ; Samar asked .

" Hm " ; Kiara hummed .

" Will you please tell your team member to give me the address . He refuses " ; she heard Aaron's voice through my bluetooth speaker .

" No.  Stay where you are "

So he was back in Quantico . Great !

" Kiara - " ; he started .

" That voice won't work with me so shut up " ; she snapped at him .

The elevator doors opened and we stepped out .

Kiara walked to Thomas's door with the team behind her .

" Thomas Eaton . FBI ! Open the door ! " ; she shouted .

" Kiara ! " ; she heard Jack shout .

" Open this door right know ! " ; Donald shouted as he got ready to shoot .

When the door still didn't open they broke down the door .

" Jack ? " ; Kiara yelled .

" Put the gun down Thomas " ; she heard Samar say.

Thomas was in the bedroom with Jack and a gun pointed at Jack's head .

" You don't want him , you want me ! Take me ! " ; Kiara said .

" I cannot do that . You killed my wife and child " ; he said .

" Your wife should have thought of that before she went off blasting bombs like a maniac and killing innocents.  And for what ? Fun ? Your wife was a bloody criminal and I am happy she is dead because you will be too ! " ; Donald snapped .

Kiara quickly shot Thomas in the arm , he let go of Jack and Samar grabbed him and they ran .

" Go go go !" ; Kiara heard Aaron say in her speaker .

She ran with Jack . A gunshot was heard but they didn't know who it hit until Kiara fell on the floor . He had shot her in the leg .

" I will get him . Go " ; she urged her team .

They were hesitant but nodded .

" They left ? What a team ! " ; Thomas taunted her .

" Won't you kill me ? " ; he asked .

" Nah . Not me " ; she shrugged.

Thomas looked confused , " We will " ; two voices said .

Liz and Donald were standing with their gun pointed at Thomas .

They shot him without a warning .

Kiara limped up and shot Thomas twice even though he was already dead .

" Fell better? Teensy bit ?" ; Kiara asked.

The other two nodded.

Kiara pulled out the hidden leg vest from around her legs . She was unhurt .

" Let's go guys "


" I am sorry " ; Aaron said hugging her tight .

Jack was asleep on Kiara's office couch after being on a candy high . Courtesy of her team .

" Its fine Aaron . I get it " ; she sighed .

" Why do you always take risks ? " ; he asked .

" Because my stern faced Hotch , you cannot catch a blacklister unless you take risks . Its fun though . That risk gives me the adrenaline I crave "

" Your weird "
" And I am about to bring my weirdness with me next week when we get married ! "

" Can't wait ! "

Aaron Hotchner × Kiara Jacobs One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now