Cute drunk

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" He is what ? Okay okay , I'll be there soon " , Kiara said hurriedly as she got up from her desk at work and took her car keys , leaving the paperwork on her desk lying there . 

She was alone at the Blacklist division operations site trying to finish up her pending paperwork when Rossi called her saying that her husband was drunk out of his mind and she needed to pick him up and take him home because he was refusing to move from the bar . 

Aaron had gone out with Rossi , Spencer , Derek , Donald and Aram for a men's night out . 

" I am sure Donald got him that drunk " , Kiara laughed to herself . 

She drove to the bar and after parking her car entered the place . She soon spotted the group . As she got closer , she could hear Aaron talking about ... her ? He was telling his friends how wonderful Kiara was and also how horrible she was at cooking . 

" Hey guys " , she greeted everyone . Spencer and Rossi were the only ones who were not that drunk . 

" Hi Kia " , Donald waved before slamming his head on the counter . Kiara cringed at that . 

Aram was already passed out and Derek was on the dance floor with the ladies . 

" I called Samar as well . She will take Donald and Aram home " , Rossi informed her . 

" You are a saviour " , Kiara thanked Rossi . 

" Hi honey " , Kiara greeted Aaron . 

He turned to face her , squinted his eyes and said , " You are not my wife . My wife is way prettier ! " , he bragged . 

" Oh really ? Well , your wife asked me to take you home " , she placed her hand on his shoulder . 

" Don't touch me . I am married " , he slurred . 

" Sorry " , Kiara laughed . " Let's get you home " 

" No ! I don't even know you . If you say that my wife sent you , then tell me , what is her name ? " , he asked her . 

" Kiara Jacobs-Hotchner " , she replied with a smile . 

" What is her bestie's name ? " 

" You gotta specify which one Aaron " 

" The one she said she was going to marry if she never found a husband " 

Rossi and Spencer giggled at that . 

" Shut up " , she said to them before turning her attention back to Aaron . " Jane Tennant " 

" Correct " , Aaron said . " Okay . You can take me home " 

" Bye guys . thanks for taking him out " , Kiara said to Rossi and Spencer before helping Aaron to his feet and leading him out of the crowded bar . 

She sat him in her car in the passenger seat and buckled him up . She then got into the driver's seat and started the car . 

" Did you know ? I love my wife a lot even though she acts silly . I love that she is really cute and she is really great . She is even better than me ! She catches unsubs all over the world . She really loves her job and I love her for that " , Aaron kept on talking . 

" Well , you love your job too " , Kiara said as she glanced at him . 

" I do . It's my favourite job in the whole world . Ask me what I do " 

She chuckled . " What is your job Aaron ? " 

" Being Kiara's husband ! " , he giggled as he raised his hands in a cheer position . " It's the best job . I get to take care of her and make her feel comfortable and happy ! " 

" I love you Aaron " 

" Hey ! I love my wife ! Don't say that to me " 

" Honey , take a good look at my face " , Kiara turned to look at Aaron once they were at a red stoplight . 

Aaron stared at her for a while before realization dawned on him . " Kia ! " 

" Yes my love , it's me " 

" I love you too Kiara ! " 

" You are adorable " , she kissed his cheek before driving home . 

The next morning when Aaron woke up , he found painkillers and a glass of water on the bedside table with a sticky note stuck to the glass . It said - ' had to leave for a case . Went to Texas . Will call at night . Breakfast is in the microwave and guess what my favourite job is ? Being your wife . Love , Kiara . '

And that put a smile on Aaron's face for the rest of the day . 

Aaron Hotchner × Kiara Jacobs One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now