Breathe darling

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TW : Anxiety attack

It had been a long week . The current blacklister had everyone on edge . He was responsible for the deaths of 497 people in three days . After a long week , of bombings , assault,  stabbing , shooting , Kiara and her team had finally caught him and killed him on sight.

But the case had taken a toll on the team. Sure , they had seen dead bodies before but that amount in a matter of a week was too much for them .

Kiara gave the team a four day holiday and requested that others cases that come in , be directed towards other Blacklist teams .

She arrived home and got greeted by Robert , the parrot saying hello to her .

" Hi Robert " ; she said back .

She dropped her bag on the couch and proceeded to lay face down , sobbing with her face buried in the couch pillow .

Jack was at his aunt's house and she was grateful for that . She didn't want him seeing her at her lowest .

" You okay ? " ; Robert squeaked .

" M'fine Robert. Go back to your cage please "

" Okayyyyyyyy "

After a few minutes the front door opened but she didn't even notice .

Aaron saw her position on the couch and got worried. 

" Babe , what's wrong ? " ; he asked rubbing her back and trying to get her to get up. 

" Its my fault " ; she sobbed .

" What is your fault ? "

Flashes of children crying , explosion sounds,  dead bodies appeared in front of her and she cried even more .

" Kiara , get up " ; Aaron said firmly .

He knew that she was having flashes and it would soon escalate into a panic attack if he didn't get her to stop .

" No ! " ; she screamed .

Aaron finally managed to yank her up and held her close to him .

" Sh sh , its okay , its okay , I am here . Its fine sweetheart . Cry it out " ; he said to her .

By this time , she was breathing heavily , tears streaming down her face , body shaking .

Aaron continued to hold her , whispering sweet nothing in her ear . He began to gently rock themselves back and fourth.  After 20 minutes the crying had stopped but her breathing was still not back to normal .

" Here sweetheart , breathe with me " ; he said taking her hand . " In "

Kiara took a deep shaky breath as Aaron praised her . " Out "

They continued this for another 10 minutes till she was all calmed down .

" Better now ? " ; he asked her , running his fingers through her hair.

She nodded .

" What triggered it ? Do you wanna talk about that ? "

" Watch the news "

" I would rather hear it from you . If you wanna talk , that is "

" I got over 500 people killed . 497 in the first three days "

" Oh , that one was a Blacklist task ? "

" Yes "

" Honey , I am so sorry but you can't blame yourself for that.  You tried your best and no matter what everyone else says , you did a great job . Catching a blacklisted is no easy task and you managed to do it in a week ! "

" Yeah "

" You know what ? Forget about it , lets have a movie night with - what do you want to eat ? "

" Spaghetti and meatballs and those air fry wings with salt ! "

" Alright , let me change and you do too and then I will cook , okay ? "

" Okay "

After they had changed into pajamas , Aaron got to cooking as Kiara was in charge of selecting a movie or two movies . She decided on watching the first Twilight movie and Harry Potter and the Half blood prince .

" Why Kiara ? Why ? " ; Aaron whined as he saw Twilight playing on the screen .

" Shut up , sit down and eat your food " ; she said taking the wings and spaghetti bowl from his hand .

" Alright " ; he sighed giving him .

One hour later , plates were empty and Kiara was now leaned against Aaron as he ran his fingers up and down her arm . She was getting sleepy by the second and soon she had drifted off .

Aaron noticed that and switched off the tv . He took the blanket from behind the couch and wrapped it around both of them as they fell asleep .

Aaron Hotchner × Kiara Jacobs One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now