Christmas Shopping

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" Do not go crazy this year , I am begging you " ; Aaron pleaded as Kiara excitedly dragged him through the mall looking for christmas tree decorations and presents . 

" Come on Aar , you know the ritual . Every year , new decor for the tree . I  have been saving money for this since last year and papa likes premium eggnog " ; she said proudly . 

Aaron sighed heavily . There was no way he could persuade her not to go crazy . 

They went into Hamley's first and Kiara started picking up every toy imaginable . Aaron had to physically stop her from putting anymore in . The toys were for Henry and Jack . Then they went to the bookstore and picked out books for the boys and a few for Kiara's dad and papa . 

" Ooh , look at these shiny bells and these small boots and these toffee like stuff to hang on trees ! Oh , we need to get those do it all yourself christmas balls stuff " ; she squealed grabbing every kind of deco- rations for the tree .

" Kia , why don't you bill these and I will go get you hot chocolate and cookies " ; Aaron said .

Kiara nodded excitedly . He quickly kissed her nose and walked out of the shop .

Aaron went to the Swarovski store first . Kiara loved those shiny stones , that is what she loved calling them .

He got her a pink and blue crystal studded necklace that was simple yet beautiful along with a small ring .

He put the bags in the car along with a big book calender . He planned to make her a book advent calender .

He went back to her with 2 hot chocolates and a cookie ( Choco chip ) . She was sitting on one of the benches texting on her phone with the bags surrounding her .

" Thanks " ; she smiled sweetly at her fiance as he handed her the cup of hot chocolate  .

" Do I get a place to sit ? " ; Aaron asked.

" You can stand "

" Fair enough "

" Or you can sit on my lap "

" Can you take me ? "

" I have before , right "

Aaron laughed and Kiara laughed with him .


" Jack jack , wanna help me pack gifts ? " ; Kiara asked.

" Yes " ; he cheered as he ran to her .

" We will decorate the tree tomorrow " ; she said as he sat down on the carpet beside her .

" Did you get the do it yourself things ? "

" You bet I did "

" Your the best , mom "

" Glad to know that kiddo "


Christmas Day :

" Merry Christmas " ; Kiara cheered .

" Merry Christmas "; the rest of her family yelled .

That family consisted of Aaron , Jack and Kiara's dad and papa .

" Papa , like the eggnog ? I made it " ; she asked .

" Its awesome mio caro " ; he said to her kissing her cheek .

Kiara's dad is Congressman Reed Jacobs and Kiara's papa is Nathan Jacobs , neuro and trauma surgeon who can be intimidating and scary when he is in doctor mode .

" Contento che ti piaccia papa " ; she said to him .

" Your italian is improving " ; he said approvingly .

" Grazie " ; she said smiling .

" When can we open presents mom ? " ; Jack asked tugging on her sleeves .

" When do you wanna open them ? " ; she asked .

" Now , please "

" Sure . Hey guys , opening presents right now . Get here by the tree " ; Kiara yelled .

The men all followed her to sit by the tree as she started handing out presents.

" Me first " ; Jack said as he handed Kiara a package to open .

She tore it open like a 3 year old and awed .

" Bookmarks , I needed them . Thank you sooooooo much Jack " ; she said as she hugged him.

They exchanged gifts and Kiara got adult diy and a plethora of painting stuff from her papa along with a italian food cookbook , her dad gave her a handmade muffler , vouchers to her favourite restaurants and a new electric guitar and it was signed by Alex Turner  .

" Thank you thank youuuuu " ; she squealed .

Kiara and Aaron gave them their gifts and Jack was over the moon with the amount of toys and books that he got .

" Me first " ; Kiara said as she placed two big bags in Aaron's lap . She clapped her hands impatiently,  waiting for Aaron to open them .

He took out a box from the first bag that had 4 new Gucci shirts and 4 new ties of the same brand .

The other bag had shoes and 4 new suits in different colours from Armani . In the second bag there was also a very small box . It contained two handmade bracelets from Jack and a black bracelet with a heart on top of it .

" Open the heart " ; Jack said .

Aaron opened the heart on top of the bracelet, it had a picture of the three of them at the amusement park .

" Guys , this is beautiful " ; Aaron said smiling widely.

" We picked out the black colour because you can then wear it with your suits everyday " ; Jack said .

" That's really thoughtful buddy . Thanks "

Aaron then handed Kiara her gift . She screamed when she saw the book advent calender . It had every book that she wanted and then she nearly cried when she saw the necklace and ring . She wire the ring immediately .

" Put it on me " ; she said handing Aaron the necklace.

He got up and put the necklace around her neck .

" Its so beautiful.  Thanks " ; she said.

Then they started on the dinner and the family had a great time .

Until the call came and hell broke loose .

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