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First meeting :

" We have to co-operate with the BAU on this case " ; Aram said as the whole Blacklist team looked through the files .

" But we are all are psychologists too . Why do we need the BAU ? " ; Kiara asked .

" To widen the search parameters boss , plus , I have heard that their tech person is a genius . And we May have degrees in psychology but they are legit profilers - "; Aram started saying .

" Alright!  Got it ! Aram has a crush on the BAU . Bring them in , I guess " ; Kiara said .

He excitedly called them up and asked for their help in the case . They agreed .

A few hours later , the Blacklist team decided to meet the profilers at the BAU because their ops sight was secretive .

Once they arrived at the BAU , a blonde woman came outside to greet them .

" Blacklist division ? " ; the woman asked .

" Yes . I am SSA Kiara Jacobs and these are SSA's Ressler , Keen , Nawabi and Mojtabai " ; Kiara introduced themselves.

" Hello . I am Agent Jennifer Jareau , Liaison for the BAU . We do not have a lot of agents present today but SSA's Hotchner , Gideon , Reid and Greenaway are ready to assist "

" That will be enough,  thank you "

Jennifer took them inside and into the conference room where rest of the team was waiting .

" Hello . I am Agent Hotchner , nice to meet you " ; Aaron said to Kiara .

" Agent Jacobs , nice to meet you too ! "


First date :

Kiara was sitting at home with a bottle of wine in one hand and a glass in another as she danced to Lady Gaga playing on her speakers .

Suddenly,  her phone pinged up .

She groaned , thinking it was another case but instead there was a text from an unknown number .

Unknown number : You looked really pretty the other day . Sorry , if this sounds creepy .

Kiara : Hotch ?

Unknown number : Yes , hi , that's me . Hehe . You can all me Aaron .

Kiara  : Alright Aaron , is there a particular reason that your texting me right now ?

Aaron 🕵🏻‍♂️ : Yeah ! I was wondering if you would like to go to the carnival with me , today , at 7 ?

Kiara : Like a date ?

Aaron 🕵🏻‍♂️ : Yeah , if you want it to be .

Kiara : Sure !

Aaron 🕵🏻‍♂️ : Okay then , I will pick you up ✨ .

Kiara : You don't want my address? 

Aaron 🕵🏻‍♂️ : I have it already.  From Garcia .

Kiara kept her phone down and jumped on the couch giddily . The handsome , badass , cute , grumpy Agent Aaron Hotchner , asked her out on a date ! To be honest , she did have a crush on him since the moment she met him and after seeing him being so caring towards the victims she was sure that the grumpy man had a softer side !

Dangerous Criminal Catchers :

Kia kia - Guess who is going on a date with who !!!!

Keen bean - Taylor Swift with Michael Clifford !!!

Aaron Hotchner × Kiara Jacobs One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now