Wedding Series : Proposal

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" Where are we going ? " ; Kiara asked as Aaron dragged her lightly through a hilly slope with her eyes blindfolded . 

" I can't even see Aar ! " ; she complained . 

" That is the point of a blindfold sweetheart " ; Aaron chuckled . 

They were in Tuscany , Italy for a vacation . Both of them had finally had time to use their vacation days . 

" We need to go back to the resort . We cannot leave Jack alone for so long " ; Kiara said . 

Aaron smiled brightly . He knew he had made the right decision . 

" He is 8 . He will be fine " ; he said as they finally came to a stop . 

It was 5:00 pm and the sky was a beautiful shade of orange . A cool breeze was blowing . Aaron loosened the blindfold and the first thing that Kiara saw was the beautiful valley of hills . Aaron then turned her around . 

" Wow " ; she breathed out . 

There were pillows on the ground on a blanket and it was surrounded by tulip petals . Cause to Kiara they were more colourful . There was a champagne bottle and glasses and a juice box . Jack was standing with a bouquet of different flowers and a sign that said : 

" Will You Marry My Dad ? " 

Kiara turned to face Aaron . He was on one knee holding open a ring box that held the most beautiful ring . 

" Kiara Hope Jacobs , you are the most wonderful , passionate , caring and considerate woman I have ever met in my life . You are the Juliet to my Romeo , you make me complete . You make me a better person everyday , I cannot imagine my life without you . So , will you make me yours , forever ? " 

" Yes " ; Kiara yelled happily . 

Aaron laughed as he slid the ring on her finger . 

Jack ran to her and gave her the bouquet . She picked him up and peppered kisses all over his face . 

They sat down on the blanket as they clinked their glasses and juice box . 

" I love you so much Kiara " 

" I love you too Aaron " 

Aaron Hotchner × Kiara Jacobs One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now