Soccer Parents

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" I lost " ; Jack said sniffing as he hugged Kiara's waist .

" Aw sweetheart.  I am sorry . Do you want to cry it out before we go get ice cream?  " ; Kiara asked as she kneeled down in front of him .

" I am not supposed to cry ! "

" Who said that Jack "

" Paul Macain "

" Well , he can go to hell . If crying about this makes you feel better then do it "

" I want ice cream mommy " ; Jack said holding Kiara's hand .

She froze for a moment.  This was the first time he had done that .

" Alright Jackie boy , you can get as many scoops as you want " ; she said happily as they walked back to the car .


" Can you guys help me ? " ; Jack asked Aaron and Kiara as they sat at the dining table . They were currently in the middle of having lunch .

" Help with what buddy ? " ; Aaron asked .

" Soccer . I don't wanna loose again " ; he mumbled .

" Its okays to loose - " ; Aaron began to say .

" We will help you . Did you know , I used to be the Soccer queen back in high school " ; she interrupted. 

Aaron kicked her under the table for interrupting and she kicked him back .
They continued this fight under the table until Jack went upstairs to take a nap .

" Hey ! Stop it ! " ; he exclaimed.

" You started it ! " ; she said back .

" I was just trying to teach him that sometimes it is good to loose . Not everything is a competition and we don't care if he wins or looses "

" You didn't see his face back there Aar . He was crying , angry , he just wants to win once . What your trying to teach is good but maybe he should win just once . Besides ,  learning to be better at something isn't a crime "

" Okay . Soccer lessons "

" That's the spirit "


Jack didn't even know how to score a goal and that was a problem . A big problem . And he wasn't to blame , he was 5 , it was his coach's fault . That man never taught him properly .

" Ok Jack Jack . Concentrate . Kick the ball with the side of your leg not with your toes.  We will start easy " ; Kiara said as she placed the ball just a few inches from the goal net .

Jack gave her a are - you - kidding me look because the ball was so close to the net . Kiara just pointed at the ball .

He sighed and kicked the ball. It went into the net , they did this for a few minutes and then Kiara moved the ball a little faraway . They tried like this for a few minutes .

When the ball was far away from the net but still within his reach but made sure that it was the normal point for a 5 year old , Aaron stood as goalkeeper while Kiara instructed Jack on how to kick .

Jack kicked the ball but Aaron caught it .

" Dad , that's cheating " ; he whined .

Jack was right . Aaron was standing in front of a almost covered by his giant figure goal net and he barely moved to catch the ball .

" Sorry buddy " ; Aaron said sincerely.

" Aar , move . I will be the goalie " ; Kiara said lightly pushing him out of the way .

With Kiara as the keeper,  Jack was able to score  5 goals .

" Well done sweetheart " ; Kiara and Aaron high-fived him .

" I will win tomorrow " ; Jack squealed.


" Come on Jack " ; Aaron and Kiara cheered for their son .

Jack went forward with the ball and kicked it really hard and the goalkeeper was not able to stop it .

He had scored 3 goals and won the match for his team .

" Yay ! " ; Jack cheered .

" Good job . I am so proud of you " ; Kiara said as she picked him up and kissed his forehead .

" Can I get 2 scoops today too ? " ; Jack asked Kiara .

Aaron raised his eyebrows at the two of them .

Kiara smiled at him innocently as she said to Jack ," How about 1 ice cream sundae and one scoop of choco icecream?  "

" Okay " ; Jack agreed .

Aaron reluctantly agreed , mentally preparing himself for the sugar high that Jack and Kiara were about to have .

Aaron Hotchner × Kiara Jacobs One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now