Death Day

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" Go ! Go go go " ; Aaron screamed. 

I ran with Jack before we could get shot but the bullet hit someone.  I didn't know who it was until I fell to the floor in a puddle of my own blood .

1 days earlier: 

" Bye take care " ; I said kissing Aaron before he left on a case .

" You too Ki " ; he said affectionately as he kissed me back .

We waved at each other before he boarded the BAU jet .

My phone rang . I picked it up.  Called id : Donald .

" Hey duck , I am on my way " ; I said .

I heard hard sobbing from the other end .

" Donald ? What's wrong ? " ; I asked worriedly .

" Aubrey's dead . He shot her " ; he sobbed .

" Who shot her ? "

" I don't know . He had a black mask ! "

" Where are you ? " ; I asked as I raced to my car   .

" Back at the ops site "

" I will be there in 5 "


" Your unscathed!  " ; I said to him .

He literally had no injuries like he wasn't even the target .

" Tell us from the beginning.  What happened ? " ; Liz said .

" We were driving to my brother's cabin and a car started following us . I didn't think much of it . Next thing I know the car was beside us and it shot her . And sped off "

" Check the camera's around that area " ; I said to Aram .

" Already did . They were down for 10 seconds . The last feed was the car following Donald's SUV and then the feed was cut off . It picked up again after the other car had left " ; he said .

" Can you trace the ip address of the signal blocker ? "

" Its bouncing off places "

" What places ? "

" Russia , Ethiopia , Venezuela,  Estonia , Nigeria , Germany , Egypt "

" That sounds like a code " ; Samar said .

" Yeah , it does " ; I mumbled taking a piece of paper and writing the names down .

" I can see what it spells " ; Liz pointed out.

We followed her gaze and saw what she was pointing at .

R E V E N G E .


" Have you offended anyone recently.  Enough to get them to kill ? " ; I asked Donald .

" No and I can't even point at a criminal.  We kill every criminal we run behind " ; he says .

" Did you spare anyone or did any criminal slip through the cracks ? "

" I don't know "

" Donald - "

" I know okay ! I just can't remember!  "

" Okay . Calm down . Just try to remember. Even something very little will help "

He just nods .

" Who wants to volunteer to join me at the crime scene ? " ; I ask as I walk back into the main area .

Liz raised her hand . " Come on Lizzy . Crime scene . Aram , Samar , keep looking for the ip address , stop making it bounce around and look for criminals we killed in the last few months , look for their family members or someone that just got away " ; I say before walking away .


" Camera was hacked , Aubrey was the only victim , Donald wasn't the target.  Why leave him alive ? " ; Liz listed .

" That's the question I need an answer to " ; I said .

" Do you think he is okay ? "

" No.  I will give him a few days off . He needs it "

" He is going to put up a fight "

" Better a paid leave than an unpaid suspension "

" Alright . Blood pattern , what do you see ? "

" Scattered from the left side . But there are no tire marks on the left side "

" Conclusion ? "

" Two murderers . One shot from the right side of Donald cause Aubrey was on the left . That was a risky shot "

" Exactly "


" I dropped Jack off at Jessica's.  I cannot go home tonight.  Aubrey was killed and Donald won't go home until he catches the killer , so the whole team is staying to help " ; I say to Aaron as we talked on facetime.

" How is your case going ? " ; I ask .

" Exhausting " ; he sighed .

There was a loud scream . I looked up horrified to see Liz running out.  Samar burst through my office door .

" Tom was shot . He was taken to the hospital and that Bastard sent a shot of Tom's bloody body to Liz " ; she said .

" I gotta go " ; I said to Aaron hurriedly as I hung up and raced out with my blazer .

Aaron Hotchner × Kiara Jacobs One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now