High school reunion

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TW- ( language , bullying )

The mail was everywhere . On her laptop , on her mobile , on Aaron's mobile ( because Kiara has a tendency to loose her phone temporarily and so she uses her email from Aaron's mobile ) and the handwritten one was already in the dustbin but Jack had fished it out . 

" Darling I really love you but why ? " ; Kiara questioned Jack with a groan . 

" You always say to face you're fears but what good is it to me if my own mom doesn't even face her fears herself " ; Jack argued . 

" Smart kid " ; Kiara thought to herself . 

" Okay stinky , mommy will think about it " ; she sighed staring at the invitation letter . 

" You better . Come on Olive , its time to for tea party " ; Jack said to his sister and picked her up and walked towards their playroom filled with toys and art and craft items . 

Kiara waited for a few seconds , then picked up the invitation letter and burned it on the stove . Deleted the emails from her laptop and mobile . No way she was going back to that hellhole . 

But then Aaron came home and showed her the email on his phone . She had forgotten about that . 

" Let's go nah ! " ; he said to Kiara . " You went to mine . Plus , I really need to see where you studied and have a chat with those horrible people " 

The school ,  was the most horrible school she went to . She only had a few friends and a lot of people who would bring her down.  A teacher called her oversmart because she had brought a new copy to class after sem 1 exams . She was in grade 4 at the time !

And of course , christian schools meaning clothshaming . A hair out of place is like a day in hell to them .

Kiara has heat intolerance so she refused to wear the sweater with the winter uniform , the teachers forced her to . Respect was a foreign concept .

She was not interactive and just wanted to read books quietly but the school always seemed to force her to take part in functions . She had social anxiety which made her scared to do those things but they never understood so often times she had to give doctor's letters in order to get out of the situation .

The worst part ? She spent 2 years in therapy because of that school and its students.  The students were the worst.

They never gave her the chance to draw or help in decorating the classrooms because they considered her not eligible to do it cause she was not creative enough . They never included her in activities.  No cause their house merits and class merits mattered more than gaining experience! 

In extempore competitions she was never the first speaker even though she knew how to speak pretty well . They always sent Eji first , a girl who was a topper but Kiara could speak really well on spot but was always the second choice .
She developed fear of authority , felt as if she was burdening people with her speech if she talked too much .

The worst thing , the girls were so irritatingly disgusting . She couldn't be friends with a boy because if you are friends with a boy it means that you love him . The standards was disgusting .

She only had a few good friends , Sid , Dia , Attryee , Sru , Amihi , Anandi , Rifa , Ayshi . people who didn't judge her or called her weird .

After she changed schools she was happier , in her new school people didn't judge her for liking Fantasy movies and books because they were the same . The new students gave her the attention when she spoke , they asked for her opinion on class charts but ACS students never did . Class really matters !

Aaron Hotchner × Kiara Jacobs One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now