Tea Party

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" is it easier to stay 

is it easier to go , I don't wanna know -o 

but I know that I'm never ever gonna change  " , Kiara sang Easier by 5sos as he hung up her coat . 

There were no cases today , Reddington was on vacay as well and so she let everyone go home early . 

" Mommy mommy ! Come join our tea party ! " ; Olivia came running up to Kiara and crashed into her . 

She was wearing her electric blue princess gown , a tiara on her head and a magic wand in her hand . 

" Whoa ! okay . Let's go . I am really hungry and I would love some snacks " , she said picking up her daughter and going towards the play room . 

Kiara nearly burst out laughing when she saw her husband , sitting on the floor , tiara on his head and a face caked with makeup . 

" Look at the man-princess " ; she joked as she set Olivia down . She immediately ran to the kitchen to get another cup . Toy kitchen that was at the other side of the room . 

" I told you , buying her the makeup was a bad idea . I have red and pink fingernails now ! " ; Aaron scowled . 

" You are whipped ! Plus , I think it was a great idea . I mean , the mighty , scary , Aaron Hotchner looking like a princess  is so worth it " ; she laughed . 

Olivia really was creative and like Kiara she had a penchant for making everything around her colourful . So Aaron had two shades of eyeshadow on , on side green , the other side purple , there was pink blush on his cheeks in an excessive amount . Blue lipsticks and the fingernails . And the star of the show , the two small pigtails on his head . 

" I got more tea ! " ; Olivia sang as she set the new cup of tea down . 

" Olive , it's milk tea . Mom can't have that " ; Jack pointed out . 

" But it is so tasty ! " ; Olivia argued . 

" Sorry Olive . Can't have milk tea darling " ; Kiara smiled apologetically .

" But we can't have a tea party without you drinking tea ! " 

" I have something " ; Aaron said getting up . He walked out the door and towards the kitchen and few minutes later came back with a box , labelled ' blue pea tea ' . 

" Here darling , take some water in a cup and put this tea bag in it . this is called blue pea tea and it is blue in colour " ; he said handing Olivia the box . 

" Wow " ; her tiny eyes shined as she placed the teabag in the cup filled with water and watched the water turn blue . 

" Here you go mommy ! Now you can have tea with us . Thanks for the idea daddy ! " 

" No worries darling " ; Aaron smiled . 

" I made us cookies as well , choco chips " ; Jack added as he munched on one . 

" Oh thank you , I was starving " ; Kiara sighed internally as she took a big bite of the cookie . 

" Cheers , everyone " ; Olivia held up her cup . Jack did too and so did the parents . 

" No daddy , you lift up the cup with your pinkie " ; Olivia corrected Aaron . 

" As you wish princess " ; he said with a smile . 

All four of them clinked their cups together and drank their teas . 

After an hour , while the kids wrapped up their toys cause it was time to order dinner and they needed to freshen up and get into comfy pajamas , Kiara helped Olivia get into hers . 

" One day , when you are old enough , we will go to New York and have a tea party at The Plaza . They have the best food there as well and it is really beautiful "  ; she said to her daughter as she combed her hair . 

" Do they have pea tea there ? " 

" I am sure they do " 

" Is New York far away ? " 

" Not really " 

" When will we go then ? " 

" How about on your 7th birthday ? " 

" But that is so far away mommy ! " 

" Well , it's just 4 more years , that's not too far away " 

" yes it is silly ! " 

Kiara laughed . She kissed Olivia's cheek and said , " I am sorry I am not home enough to enjoy all these moments with you but I promise I try . And I promise to try harder to come home quickly , so we can have tea parties everyday and play with the dollhouse . I love you my angel " 

" I love you too mommy " ; Olivia kissed her cheek . 

" Alright , enough chick-flicks . Let's go choose a movie and then we can have sushi " 

" Yayyyyyyyyy " 


The kids were asleep right after dinner on the couch while Zootopia still played on the tv . Olivia was asleep on top of Kiara and Jack was snuggled into her side . Both kids missed her a lot and it was not often that they got to spend time together . 

" You sure you don't feel suffocated ? " ; Aaron joked . 

" Nah , its cool " ; she shrugged . 

" Aaron ? " ; she asked after sometime . 

" Yes Kia ? " 

" Am I a horrible mother ? I mean , I am never home , you spend more time with them than me and that is great but I just don't want them to grow up and hate me . These two are just kids now but when they grow up and I start missing their functions more often , they are going to hate me ! " 

" I am going to stop you right there Kiara . You are not a horrible mother . Sure , you have a bad habit of spoiling the kids rotten and sometimes bribing them but hey , they are kids ! Jack and Olivia love you . Have you missed their functions sometimes ? Yes . But then you come home and you ask them to show you the performances , trust me , no one does that . But you do ! Yesterday while I was putting them both to bed , they both said the same thing to me ' I love mommy so much . She should not feel bad cause she misses out on stuff . She is the best ' " 

" Olive said that ? " 

" Jack did but Olive said she loves you a lot and that you are the best . Bottom line , you are a wonderful mother , clueless at times but still wonderful and we all love you for it " 

" Thanks Aaron , that helped a lot " 

" I love you Kia " 

" I love you too Aar " 

They both kissed before Aaron switched off the tv and they decide to sleep on the couch that night . As a family . 

Aaron Hotchner × Kiara Jacobs One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now