What being his wife includes

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* Breakfast in bed , most days . Or whenever he is home *

* Cute forehead kisses because let's admit it , Kiara is a little munchkin compared to him *

* Makeout sessions before going to work *

* Sending each other texts throughout the day *

- " Did you eat yet my love ? "

- " I will , in a few minutes Aar "

- " No , not in a few minutes . I am outside your door , open it now ! "

* Lunch dates in office rooms whenever the case load is less *

* Atleast 4 dates a month . Or 2 , depending on the number of cases *

* Joint team operations so that the couple can spend time together and work together *

* Working cases together and solving them quicker than usual cause it's Mr. and Mrs. Agent Hotchner and they are very thorough and intelligent *

* Going on vacations with the kids on summer break *

* Wearing his hoodies or shirts while at home *

* Cooking together or trying to . Kiara standing in one corner of the kitchen wearing a hazmat suit cause Aaron was frying chicken and the oil spurts everywhere but he is immune *

- " babe *chuckles * take the hazmat suit off ."

- " No !!!! Not until you turn off that stove ! "

* Going to Jack's soccer games together to cheer for him *

* Kindergarden meetings with Olivia's teachers * 

* PTM's with Jack's school teachers *

* Aaron cooking up a feast for his beloved wife whenever he is home . Foodie wife and the chef husband . Perfect combo *

* Watching Run BTS and Going Seventeen together on weekends * 

- " who is your favourite ? "

- " Jin's pretty handsome . and so is Minghao and S.Coups  " * Aaron blushing *

* Dancing in the living room with the speakers on blast *

* Also , slow dancing in the living room *

* Him comforting Kiara after a failed case or after a bad day at work *

* Getting to see the rare softer side of him *

* Also getting to see him as Grumpy Agent Hotchner *

* Makeout sessions after solving cases and being back home * 

* Cuddling while sleeping *

* Aaron spoiling Kiara with little gifts whenever he gets the chance . Books , keychains , tiepins , art supplies , bracelets , promise rings , concert tickets *

* Kiara spoiling him just as much . Watches , tiepins , ties , flowers , suits , a carboard cutout of Jin and Minghao and S.Coups *

* he wouldn't admit it , but he loved the cutouts *

* Being woken up in the morning by the kids . They love jumping on their parents as a way to wake them up *

* Fictional crush discussions *

- " If I see Isobel Castille on the road one day , I am running away with her "

- " Haha . I see Jin on the road , I am marrying him . bye Babe " 

* Loving each other to bits and willing to do anything to protect each other from unsubs *

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08 ⏰

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