Jealousy Pt2

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 " Come on Olive , scream your heart out otherwise Jack won't wake up " ; Kiara said as she placed Olive back on her feet just beside Jack's bed . 

She had been trying to get him to wake up for the past half hour to get up and get ready for his soccer match . 

And Olive , she was a little scream queen . 

" Jackie " ; Olive poked him but he swatted her hand away . 

Olivia took a deep breath and then screamed right into Jack's ear . He sat up with a yelp . 

" Mommy , I did it " ; Olive squealed as she ran back to Kiara and raised her hands up . 

" Good morning buddy . Match is in an hour . Get ready " ; Kiara said with a smile as she picked up Olivia . 

" Okay " ; he said sleepily . 

" What do you two want for snacks ? " ; Kiara asked as Jack picked out his outfit . 

" Ice cream ! Bagel sandwich " ; both the kids said . 

" Okay Jack , love you buddy " ; Kiara said as she kissed his head before walking out of his room . 

" Olive we cannot take ice-cream as a snack sweetheart . Its hot outside , ice-cream will melt . Tell you what , you can have ice-cream after the match or we all can get ice sundaes " ; Kiara said as she kissed her daughter's forehead . 

" Can I have both ? " ; she asked with big doe eyes . 

Considering how hot it was outside , Kiara agreed . 

" Jack wants a bagel sandwich for snacks " ; Kiara said as she entered the kitchen where Aaron was cooking . 

She let Olivia go to play with her toys . 

" Okay . Can you take over breakfast ? " ; Aaron asked her . 

He had managed to teach her a few things and she was surprisingly good . 

" Yup " ; Kiara said as she got to cooking the eggs and seasoning them and buttering the toast and even microwaved a tortilla for Olivia . She had a very different taste palette . Tortilla with scrambled eggs or just some sauce , but most of the time ranch or ketchup . 

" Maybe we can try a bit of toast for Oli-bug ? " ; Aaron suggested . 

Kiara agreed . Aaron was done with packing their snacks by then and Breakfast was ready . 

" Can I have mango juice ? " ; Oliva asked as she sat in her chair . 

" Sure " ; Aaron agreed as he got out the juice . 

After they had eaten breakfast , all 4 of them got in the car and drove towards the match arena . 


" Go jack jack ! " ; Oliva yelled as Jack ran with the wall and scored a goal . 

Aaron and Kiara both cheered . Aaron was on the other side of the field as he was in coach mode and Kiara stood on the other side with the other moms and Olivia on her hip . 

Jack's team was winning . 3 - 1 . 

" Mommy I am hungry " ; Olivia said as she laid her head on Kiara's shoulder . 

" Alright miss Olivia , dad made you a very nice customized snack box " ; Kiara said as she got it out of the duffel bag . 

The snack box had fruits of all kinds cutup . Which was disappointing for Olivia . While Kiara let her have junk food for snacks , Aaron was really strict about having fruits . 

Aaron Hotchner × Kiara Jacobs One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now