Mr Scratch Pt.2

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" Just come with us . I am begging you " ; Aaron pleaded his wife .

They had been back from their honeymoon and immediately the attacks had begun . Kiara was attacked outside her workplace , Jack was being stalked , Aaron had a bomb planted under his car , again . All done by Mr.Scratch .

It had started to anger both of them and  while Aaron was ready to go into Witness Protection with Jack , Kiara was not . She wanted to find Scratch and torture him till he himself hallucinated about the sweet release of death .

" No . I need to catch him and torture him and kill him . I have had enough of his tantrums . I really don't know why he is so damn fixated on us ! " ; Kiara said frustrated .

" And that is why you will be safe in Witsec with us "

" I can't Aaron . I can't run away . Foyet found Jack in Witsec . What makes you so sure that Scratch won't ?  I need to be here . I can draw him out exactly when I want to "

" I really cannot convince you otherwise now , can I ? "

" Nope "

" Alright . Please be safe . I cannot loose you and Jack cannot loose another mother "

" I 'll be safe. I promise "


1 year later :-

The truck slammed into the SUV and it was run off the road .

Scratch approached the SUV in which Kiara was.  She was half - conscious . She saw him put a mask on her face . The gas mask that he used on his victims . And before she passed out Kiara has one thought in her mind , " Gotcha ! " .

She woke up in a warehouse of sorts on a hospital bed , chained to it and her legs covered with a blanket . There were monitors beeping beside her .

" Mrs. Hotchner . You have been a great pain to me and now your going to tell me exactly what I want to know " ; Scratch said as he walked in the room .

" Oh yeah . What's that ? " ; Kiara scoffed .

" See , there is one particular agent who has been very hard to find . Your husband and your stepson . But I noticed that you have been texting him nonstop for the past few weeks . Allow me to read out the text . ' I will see you soon , Thanks AH ' " ; he read out .

" Where is Hotch and Jack ? " ; he asked.

" You really think I am going to give them up ? " ; Kiara challenged him .

" Oh , I think you will " ; he said as he lifted off her blankets and Kiara's eyes widened . There were literal screws in her knees . There goes her federal agent career.

" No " ; she whispered fearfully .

" Where is Hotch ? " ; Scratch asked again .

" Go to hell " ; she snapped at him .

He tightened one of the screws as she screamed out in pain .

" I am going to ask again . Where is Hotch ? "

" I don't know,  I don't know ! " ; she cried out .

" Do you really expect me to believe that ? "

Kiara stayed silent as she sobbed .

" Fine , we will take another approach " ; he sighed .

Scratch walked over to the other side of the room and moved the curtains . There lay her dad and papa , strapped to chairs and looked dead .

" They are not dead . Yet . But their fate depends on your answers "

" Why are you so fixated on Aaron ? " ; Kiara asked .

Aaron Hotchner × Kiara Jacobs One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now