Olivia who now ?

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" I am a supermodel and mommy , si mami , amnesty international , got Bangkok to Montauk on lock " ; Kiara sang as she entered the house .

" If you see us in the club , we'll be acting real nice " ; she continued before stopping abruptly when she saw the kitchen lights on .

Aaron was awake ? It was 3 in the morning .

" I told him not to wait " ; Kiara mumbled to herself.

She walked into the kitchen and saw him in sweatpants and a tshirt , making grilled cheese .

" Is Jack hungry ? " ; she asked , startling him .

" Kia , hi babe , you scared me ! Uh no , its not for Jack " ; Aaron said .

" Then ? " ; she asked .

" We need to talk " ; he said .

" Is there someone else in here ? I hate grilled cheese , your not a fan either , Jack is asleep and he is the only one here who likes it . So , who is it ? Another kid ? Maybe of Jack's age . Wait , no actually,  you cut it in a lot of smaller pieces . You used to do that when Jack was 5 . So is this kid 5 ? " ; Kiara asked .

" We promised not to profile each other "

" Its a natural instinct Aaron "

" Fine . Its a kid . And she is 3 . Her name is Olivia "

Aaron then called Olivia downstairs.  She came running down the stairs .

" Don't run Olivia " ; Aaron scolded her gently .

" Sowwy " ; she said smiling toothlessly as she tried to climb on the chair at the dining table . Aaron lifted her up and sat her on the chair . 

She happily started munching on her grilled cheese .

" Let's talk " ; Kiara said .

Aaron followed her into the guest room .

" We need to discuss this stuff ? Where did you even pick her up from ? " ; Kiara asked .

" She is the victim's child . Her parents died , she has no relatives or grandparents and I really didn't want her to go into foster care "

" And you wouldn't discuss it with me first ? "

" I am sorry but she is so cute . I want to adopt her . Please Kia ! "

Kiara sighed. She then walked out of the guest room , took her car keys and slammed the door shut .


She returned 2 hours later with 3 Hamley's bags .

" What ? " ; Aaron asked baffled .

" If you told me before bringing Olive home then I wouldn't have had to flash my badge to get the store open ! I can't meet her without bringing her gifts ! I did the same with Jack cause a way to a child's heart is through toys. I got her a barbie dreamhouse , colouring books and soft toys and barbies ! "

" Jesus Christ " ; he laughed rubbing his forehead . 

" Where is she ? " 

" Asleep , in our bed . Jack is also there . He really warmed up to the prospect of having a sister " 

" Good . Cause okay , I am ready . We will adopt her " ; Kiara said . 

" Thank you . And Olive ? Your already on nicknames ? " ; Aaron teased her . 

" Shut up Hotchner " 


" Hewo ( hello ) " ; Olivia greeted Kiara that morning . 

" Hello . Your so cute ! " ; Kiara squealed . 

Kids normally didn't like her except Jack and now Olivia apparently . To others she seemed scary . Agnes , Liz's daughter for example , hates Kiara , even though Kiara is her godmother . Agnes always cries whenever Kiara is near her . 

" Tank you ( Thank you ) " ; Olivia smiled . 

" Hey Olive , what do you want for breakfast ? " ; Aaron asked . 

" Grilled cheese ! " ; she cheered . 

" You can't have that again " ; Aaron said . 

" Then ice cwean ( ice cream ) " ; Olivia said . 

" Okay " ; Kiara said before Aaron could say no . He looked at Kiara with his office stern look . 

" Okay but if you want ice-cream you need to have either an omlette or cereal " ; Kiara said . 

" Cereal " ; Olivia said . 

Kiara couldn't resist anymore , she picked up Olivia and settled her on her hip . 

" Froot loops or cornflakes or .. what else do we have ? " ; she asked Aaron . 

" Chocos " ; Aaron replied while frying the bacon . 

" I want chocos " ; Olivia said . 

" Got it " ; Kiara said booping Olivia's nose . She giggled . 

Kiara smiled brightly as she set Olivia down on the chair at the dining table . She got out the cereal bowl and poured milk and cornflakes and set it in front of Olivia . She ate it happily and then finally Kiara gave her ice-cream . Aaron went to drop Jack at school after breakfast . Both Aaron and Kiara had taken the day off to help Olivia settle in and go shopping for clothes and other necessities . 

Maybe now , everything was going to go back to normal . Or as normal as their lives could get . 

Aaron Hotchner × Kiara Jacobs One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now