Replicator pt.3

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" Dr. John Curtis . I worked with him . He applied to a lot of division but never got selected . I did though . To the BAU " ; Blake said . 

Both teams along with Blake were back at the BAU . 

" I warned Agent Lee , he has been taken to the site " ; Donald said . 

" What now ? " ; Rossi asked . 

" Garcia , Aram , can you get me Curtis's last known address ? " ; Kiara asked . 

" We thought you never ask " ; Garcia said . 

" So , I did my thing and I found him . Not that it was that hard anyways . I know where he is " ; Garcia said . 

" Let's go " ; Aaron said . 


" Be careful " ; Aaron said as he tightened the vest on Kiara and made sure that it was tight and secure . 

" I will be . You be too . We still may be the targets " ; Kiara said as she strapped her gun to her waist . 

She turned around and started to leave but Aaron pulled her back and kissed her on the lips . 

" I love you . Everything will be fine  " ; he said . 

" Love you too " ; she said before she walked to the helicopter and sat beside the pilot . 

Two of the helicopters took off from the FBI building in Quantico .  

Helicopter 1 = Kiara , Donald and Samar . 

Helicopter 2 = Aaron , Blake and Rossi . 

Helicopter 1 arrived at the scene first . 

" We are having disturbances here ! Mayday mayday ! " ; Helicopter 2 pilot said over the radio . 

" something is controlling the system " ; Aaron said . 

Then the line cut off . 

" Curtis is controlling the system of the other helicopter " ; Kiara said . 

" There is no hint of radiation " ; Samar said as she looked at her radiation detector . 

They heard a helicopter crash just a few yards away . 

" Aaron ! " ; Kiara said as she ran towards the crashed helicopter . She yanked open the door and loosened the seatbelt . 

" you okay ? " ; she asked , brushing the hair from his forehead . 

Aaron nodded . 

" Rossi ? Blake ? " ; she asked as she pulled Aaron out . 

" Fine " ; they replied as Samar and Donald helped them get out . 

" I will go in first " ; Kiara said . " Donald , Samar , get in through the back door and I really don't want to order around your team " 

" Alright , uh , Blake will go in with you and Dave and I will go in through the front door " ; Aaron said . 

They took out their guns and got into positions . Blake and Kiara got in the basement first . 

"I will go left and you go right " ; Blake said . 

Kiara  agreed . 

They went their ways . Kiara came across a room which had a lot of computers and files scattered on the desk . She went towards the desk and opened the files and read them . Personal information about every team leader , including her allergies to pollen and pumpkin . There were photos of Aaron and her with Jack and of her team and the BAU team , of Kate and Strauss and Agent Harris and Agent Lee . 

She heard a scream and  rushed out of the room . she followed the sound and saw Blake and Curtis in a cell kind of room and there was a bomb detonator in his hand .

" Dr . Curtis , put the gun down " ; Kiara said as the others caught up to her . 

" Shoot me and we all die " ; he threatened me . 

" We all know you don't want to die " ; Rossi said . 

" No , but at least I will be taking down the people who rejected me and the person who got the job even though I was more deserving of it " ; he said . 

" What ? " ; Kiara asked . 

" Agent Lee had the same bomb at his house , placed by my assisstant . I detonate here , he does the same and all team leaders die " 

" Why do you want Agent Lee to die ? " ; Kiara asked . 

" Are you stupid ? He rejected me from joining the blacklist team ! He didn't let me get my own team , so did agent Harris " ; Curtis screamed . 

" Ok , got it . But , let's make a deal , you let Rossi , Samar and Donald go , because they are not team leaders and the rest of us stay " ; Kiara bargained . 

" Kia , no " ; Samar said . 

" Okay " ; Curtis agreed . 

" Go " ; Aaron said to Rossi . 

Kiara looked at her team and gave them a look that said ' I have a plan ' . They nodded and left the house . 

The door suddenly closed behind them . 

" No way out now " ; Curtis said as the countdown began . 

1 minute timer . 

" You should know something " ; Kiara said . 

" What ? " ; Curtis asked . 

" You were rejected because you lack common sense and on spot planning " ; Kiara said . 

She then opened the metal door that had previously closed behind them and showed Curtis the coin that she had placed there . 

" And Agent Lee or Harris didn't reject your application . I did " ; she said and let the door close fully as Aaron , Blake and her ran out of the house just before the bomb blasted . 

Aaron quickly pulled her behind a tree and shielded her from the explosion . 

" Brilliant " ; he said in awe . 

" I know " 


" Thank you for all the help " ; Kiara said as she shook hands with Alex . 

" No worries . It was nice meeting you Kiara " 

" Same here " 

After all the goodbyes , Kiara drove home . She had a lot of paperwork to work upon . 

" They want me to take over as Section-chief , now that Strauss is dead " ; Aaron said as soon as she entered the bedroom . 

" You too ? huh ! They offered me to take over as Blacklist Division Head , now that Agent Harris is dead " ; Kiara said as she jumped into bed beside Aaron and cuddled up to him . 

He took her into his arms as he asked , " What did you say ? " 

" I declined . On spot . My team were in tears and were literally begging me on their knees to not leave them . Donald doesn't want to stay late to do paperwork because he knows that if anything happens to me , he will have to take over and he really does not want that ! That is not the only reason I declined . I love fieldwork . I love being out there and I would hate to sit and do backseat field work without knowing the situation plus a lot more paperwork . As if I am not drowning in it currently ! " 

" What did you say ? Are you going to take over as Section Chief ? " ; Kiara asked .

" I don't know . I haven't thought about it yet . I mean , I would get to be home with Jack a lot and have time to cook delicacies for you but it will become a 9-5 and that is exactly what I am running from " ; Aaron sighed . 

" well , whatever you decide . I will support you " ; Kiara said as she switched on the tv and ordered Pizza and Wings . 

Weeks later , Aaron was still the unit chief because he too like his future wife wouldn't be able to sit in an office and do backseat field work .  

Aaron Hotchner × Kiara Jacobs One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now