The Replicator

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" Agent Harris is dead boss " ; Liz said .

Kiara hurriedly placed her wine glass on the table as she dashed out with her keys .

Her dads and Aaron called after her but she just got into her car and drove off .


" Who did it ? " ; she asked as she reached the Blacklist office site .

" Its him " ; Samar said as she placed the photos on the table .

Agent Harris had been shot in the neck and heart , just like Kiara had killed Meinetee Sangri , a mall bomber .

" The Replicator " ; she sighed .

Kiara's phone kept on ringing . She threw it against the wall. Her team flinched . Gone was the cool boss .

" Find him , exhaust every resources the blacklist division has , search every nook and corner of the earth , but find him " ; she said .

The team scrambled to go do their tasks .
Kiara took Samar with her to go visit the crime scene .

The crime scene was messy with reporters crawling outside and fbi forensics team taking every bit of evidence in the little bags .

" Wait " ; she said as she picked up one of the evidence bags which held the bullets .

" Run ballistics,  where the gun was purchased from and by whom " ; she said to Samar .

Samar nodded .

Kiara moved around the crime scene with gloves as she tried to find anything that would help her .

She found two broken frames with the picture of the blacklist team and another one with an unknown woman .

All of their faces were circled and Harris's face was crossed out .

She had no idea who the next target was .

She took both the frames and sent the picture of the unknown woman to Aram to identify through the ipad issued to every blacklist agent .

He sent her details in 5 minutes .

Name : Alex Blake
Profession - Linguistics Professor
Ex FBI Agent for the BAU
Worked for Unit Chief Hotchner's team
Teaches at Harvard

" Call Aaron. Get him to the Blacklist site " ; she texted  Aram .


Kiara threw threw the picture in front of Aaron . Ironically,  she took him to the interrogation room on his arrival .

" That's Agent Blake " ; he answered confused .

" When was she on your team ? "

" For 2 years , before Emily came back "

" The blacklister I am after is after her and my team . There are chances he may be after your team too "

" What's the name ? "

" The Replicator "

" Strauss has us on the same case "

There was a knock on the door .

" New York . The gun was purchased from New York . Alex Blake is on her way there . We said we would meet her at the field office there " ; Donald said .

" There is no blacklist field office there Donald " ; Kiara said confused .

" About that , uh , let me put it this way so you don't kill me . SSA Kate Joyner officially invited us to solve the case after Aram patched her through on a call with Agent Lee " ; he said .

" I don't need her invitation!  " ; Kiara snapped .

" Too bad boss , cause your supervisor wants us there " ; Donald said .

" Fine . Get your go bags " ; she sighed .

Agent Harris and Agent Lee were the supervisors of all three existing blacklist teams .

" Oh great ! Now I have to face British Haley ! At least the American version of her was better " ; she grumbled .

Aaron raised his eyebrow at her , amused . He knew how much Kiara hate Kate Joyner because of reasons . The main one was jealousy .

" I am coming with you " ; he said standing up .

" Oh no your not " ; she retorted back .

" Yes I am . This is my case too " ; he said .

" I can't have you getting killed "

" Kiara , you need me there to stop you from committing a federal crime , that is murdering the field office runner in New York . Plus , I am a brilliant profiler . Just me till Strauss wants my team there too , okay ? "

" Fine , just because I don't wanna go to jail "


The blacklist team boarded the big army planes along with Strauss and Aaron .

" Nothing comfier ? " ; Aaron asked .

" The blacklist division unfortunately didn't invest in a private jet Aar . But this , gives us more space to do stuff " ; she winked at him .

" What stuff ? " ; he asked .

" Sparring , Fighting , Boxing , Dancing , Charades , most of the time charades " ; she says casually.

After sometime Strauss and Aaron started discussing case details .

It was the crack of dawn when they reached New York .

" Where is your phone ? " ; Aaron asked Kiara .

" I threw it against the wall and broke it cause I was angry "

" You really need anger management class " ; he sighed .

" Do you have anyone who does this less angrily than I do angrily ? " ; she asked .

" Nope "


" Agents , welcome " ; Kate Joyner greeted them .

" Kate " ; Aaron said smiling at her .

" Aaron " ; she said shaking his hand , then with Strauss .

Kiara cleared her throat loudly .

" Oh , you " ; Kate said obviously annoyed .

" Yeah , me " ; Kiara smiled sweetly as they shook hands .

" Hi , Agents Nawabi , Keen , Mojtabai and I am Ressler " ; Donald said breaking off the handshake .

He could visibly see both of the woman's knuckles turn white .

" You all can set up in here " ; Kate said leading them to a big conference room .

" Volunteers ? " ; Kiara asked her team .

They discarded whatever they were doing and stood up except for Aram .

" The gun shop ? " ; Kiara asked .

" Me " ; Liz said .

" The bar where the drugs are being sold ? "

" I ' ll take that " ; Samar said .

" That leaves the rest of us with finding the current address of the replicator . Great ! 15 mins , I need every information you can gather  . Go " ; Kiara said .

Liz and Samar ran out .

" What are the case details ? " ; Kiara asked Kate .

" The files are there on the table " ; she replied .

" Aram , cctvs , display it . Track the man . Don't loose sight " ; Kiara said .

After a few minutes , a brown haired woman entered the room .

" I am Alex Blake . I was said to meet up with the Blacklist Team " ; the woman said .

Aaron Hotchner × Kiara Jacobs One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now