Wedding series : The Wedding

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The Wedding Dress

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The Wedding Dress

" Get up , up up up up " ; Liz yelled hitting Kiara multiple times with the extra pillow on the bed .

" I am sleepy " ; Kiara whined .

" I was not the one who talked with Aaron for 4 hours "

" Oh come on , its your wedding day boss , you cannot be late to your own wedding ! " ; Liz added .

Kiara grumbled and then finally sat up .

" You up ? " ; Jane asked as she entered the room .

" Woke up " ; Kiara replied as she rubbed her eyes .

Jane Tennant , NCIS Special Agent and Kiara's best friend and maid of honour .

" Jesus , did you drink last night ? " ; she laughed .

" Noooooo ! "

" Okay okay . Quickly , take a shower . The stylist will be here in an hour " ; Jane said .

Kiara rolled off the bed and started to get ready while Jane made sure everything was in order.  The bouquet and the dress and decor .


" You look beautiful " ; Jane said as she stared at Kiara wearing the wedding dress .

" Thanks Jay Jay " ; Kiara smiled .

She was beyond excited and so ready .

" They grow up so fast " ; Jane fake sniffled .

" Oh shut it . Your gonna make me cry " ; Kiara laughed .

" Okay , remember.  If he hurts you , I will nailgun his heart "

" Okay . I trust you to do that "

There was a knock on the door . Liz poked her head in . " Its starting Kia "

" We'll be there " ; Jane replied .

" Wait " ; Kiara said suddenly.

" Don't tell me your getting cold feet " ; Jane said to her bestfriend.

" I am dangerous.  My job is far more dangerous than his . I don't ever want kids . In my line of job , they will get killed . What if something hapens to Jack ? He already got kidnapped twice because of me ! I am a hazard to them ! What if ... If - " ; Kiara rambled .

" Hey hey , Kia . Your rambling.  Aaron loves you . You have no idea how much he loves you and wants to spend his entire life with you . You girl ! He would not have asked you to marry him if he thought that you were dangerous . You saved Jack both times and that kid looks up to you like your his role model . Nothing bad will happen and I know that because you will never let anything happen to either of them . Now lets go , Aaron is waiting to see you in this gorgeous dress "

" Your right.  I will never let anything happen " ; Kiara sighed.

Jane gave her a nod as they walked out of the room . Nathan and Reed Jacobs were waiting for their daughter .

" Oh my God " ; Reed gasped as he saw his daughter . " You look wonderful darling "

" My little girl's all grown up " ; Nathan said .

" Thanks dad , papa " ; she smiled .

" See you on the other side Kia " ; Jane said .

" You ready ? " ; her dad asked her .

" Yep "

The music started playing and the door to the altar opened .

Everyone stood up . Kiara looked forward and saw Aaron . He smiled at her in encouragement.  She smiled back as she walked towards him .

Her dads handed her over to Aaron . He took her hand and kissed it . " You look beautiful " ; he whispered .

" You clean up nice " ; Kiara hummed .

Aaron laughed lightly . He was wearing dark blue Armani suit and a white shirt underneath with the top two buttons open .

The priest started the ceremony with all the greetings and everything. 

Soon , it was time for their vows.  Aaron went first .

" Kiara , the first time I met you , you really annoyed me  " ; he started.  The crowd laughed softly .

" The way you asked for volunteers rather than just ordering and assigning tasks to someone . That was the part of you that made me fall in love with you . You let others take control of the situation as well .  You accepted me with all my flaws and welcomed Jack and I into your life without hesitation . You have risked your life multiple times just to save us and keep us out of harm's way . You are the best thing that happened to me. You push me to make me work harder on myself and make me a better person everyday.  You took care of me when no one else did , you loved me at my lowest and did not run away even when I was insufferable . I love you Kiara and I want to be yours forever "

Kiara sniffled as she started on her vows .

" Aaron , when I met you , you really annoyed me as well " ; she laughed . " But I am thankful that you loved me just the way I was . You didn't want me to change . You loved me with all my craziness and never called me out for it .

am really glad I met you because you taught me the true meaning of love . Without you , I would have spent the rest of my life cooped up in my room after cases . You helped me overcome my problems and I love you for that . I love you Aaron and I will be glad to make you mine forever "

" Aaron , do you take Kiara Hope Jacobs to be your lawfully wedded wife and cherish her through sickness and health , poorer or richer times and be with her forever ? " ; the priest asked .

" Yes " ; Aaron replied .

" Kiara , do you take Aaron Hotchner to be your lawfully wedded husband and cherish him through sickness and health , poorer or richer times and be with him forever ? "

" Yes " ; Kiara replied .

Jane and Rossi brought the wedding rings forward . They took the rings from them and slid it on each other's fingers .

" And with the power invested in me , I declare you husband and wife.  You May kiss the bride "

Aaron brought her into his arms and kissed her . He had his arms holding her waist and Kiara had her arms around his neck .

Everyone cheered and clapped for them .

" I love you Mrs . Hotchner "

" I love you too Mr . Hotchner "

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