After him Pt.2

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" Aram , I need you to get every satellite available over the location of the safe house " ; Kiara ordered over her phone .

Her and Aaron were driving back to the Blacklist sight  .

" They are not there " ; Aram said .

" What do you mean they are not there ? " ; Kiara asked horrified .

" There is no movement or heat signatures inside , the car outside is gone and the two agents in charge of protecting them are dead "

Kiara hung up . " Turn left " ; she said to Aaron.

He gave her a confused look but did as told.  The left side led them inside a thin road leading to the forest .

" Stop " ; she said after 10 minutes .

The car stopped as she turned to face Aaron .

" Does Foyet know about me ? " ; she asked .

" I don't think so " ; Aaron replied .

" Repeat for me . What exactly did he take ? "

" Address of Haley and a photo of her and Jack "

" Good , so he doesn't know me. Lacked research . My plan is , I will go there and get them out "

" Go where ? "

" The old house before your divorce . That is a safe location . I told them in case something went wrong "

" Foyet could be there "

" I doubt it "

" Let  me come "

" Aaron , you can't.  You cannot work without supervisor authorisation,  especially this case . I can . I have that power . Trust me . I will call if I need help "

He nodded reluctantly .

Kiara stepped out of the car and walked inside the forest.  Few minutes later , she was on a bike , heading to the old house .


" Jack ? Haley ? " ; she shouted as soon as she entered the house with her gun drawn in front of her .

The gun was slapped out of her hold as she was attacked .

Foyet was desperately trying to stab her . She fought back fiercely . She punched Foyet and rolled away from him but he was fast , he pinned her down in the floor by stabbing her through the shoulder .

Kiara screamed .

She tried kicking but Foyet took out tye knife and stabbed her thigh .

" Lets go meet your friends " ; he snarled as he forcefully picked her up and dragged her upstairs .

Haley and Jack were in the bedroom . Foyet dragged Kiara in there and threw her on the floor .

" Let's called Agent Hotchner , shall we ? " ; Foyet said .

He took out his phone and dialled the number .

" Hello ? " ; his voice was heard .

" Agent Hotchner ! How careless of you ! Sending your fiancee alone to fight me . Did you know that it was all a trap ? "

" Let them go "

" Now where is the fun in that ? I told you I wanted you to suffer "

After Foyet said that he shot Kiara and she blacked out .

Aaron could be heard screaming for her and cursing  Foyet but he just laughed .


" Kiara , wake up " ; a distant small voice called her .

She groaned and opened her eyes .

Jack was trying to shake her awake as he cried .

As soon as her eyes were open , he hugged her tightly .

" He killed Mommy " ; he cried latching onto her .

" Jack , I need you to come with me " ; JJ said as she pulled him away from her .

Liz and Derek helped Kiara get to her feet .

" Where is Aaron ? " ; she asked .

" With Foyet " ; Liz answered .

They took her to Aaron .

" Give us a moment guys " ; Kiara said as she looked at a bloody Foyet on the floor . He was still alive .

" Kill him . I will lie , say he had a gun and it was self defense . Kill him . No more running " ; she panted out while leaning against the door .

Aaron handed her a gun and he took his out .

On 3 , they both shot him and killed him .

The chase was finally over .

Aaron Hotchner × Kiara Jacobs One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now