Mr . Scratch

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Aaron walked into the house of Dr. Suzanne only to find her stabbing herself in the neck. He went to call 911 when he felt a presence behind him . He turned around and before he could shoot , something was sprayed in his face . The drug . 

He desperately tried to fight but Mr. Scratch overpowered him . 

Aaron woke up after being knocked out an hour later . He could see the man sitting in front of him , all blurry . 

" you know . you got into my head , I just wonder how I can get in yours " ; he taunted Aaron . 

Car lights shon outside . 

" Huh , your team and little miss Kiara is here " ; Mr . Scratch smiled evilly . 

" No " ; Aaron whispered . He could see the team entering the house and Spencer was immediately shot . JJ screamed , " Spence is down , oh god ! " 

Derek and Rossi continued the fight with the gun but soon Rossi got shot along with Morgan and JJ . Aaron could only sit and watch as his team got killed . Kiara was still nowhere in sight . 

" Aaron ? " ; he heard her shout for him . 

" Kiara ! " ; he yelled for her . 

She ran into the dining room and saw him all tied up  . 

" Kiara , behind you ! " ; Mr . Scratch had stabbed her with a big knife . She coughed up blood as she fell in front of him . 

" No no no no , please " ; Aaron cried . 

He suddenly blacked out and then it all started from the beginning . He again saw his whole team enter and then killed again . 

" Aaron ? " ; he heard Kiara yell for him again . 

" Here " ; he yelled back . 

" Hey hey , its okay . I am here " ; she said as she kneeled in front of him . 

" Look out ! " ; he yelled , Kiara turned around to shoot but was immediately shot in the neck by Mr . Scratch  . 

She fell to the ground choking on her own blood , holding her neck and for the first time he saw extreme fear in her eyes as she looked at Peter . 

" I know what your most scared of now " ; Peter said to Aaron as he pointed his gun at her again . 

Kiara managed to look at him before she was shot again . 


" I am  coming through the door now , you can kill me before I kill your fiancee " ; Mr . Scratch instructed Aaron . 

Aaron picked up his gun and held it towards the shadow at the door . 

Kiara entered with her gun raised , he shot her in the arm but them immediately turned around and shot Mr . Scratch . 

" Aaron ! " ; Rossi exclaimed as he ran towards him . Kiara held her bloody arm as she walked towards Aaron as well . As soon as Aaron's eyes landed on her he cried . 

" I am sorry , I am so sorry . He made me see things " ; he cried . 

" Its okay , its okay , I am here " ; she shushed him . 

" I shot you ! " 

" And it was an accident , its fine. I am okay " ; she said as she hugged him . 

" He  surrendered " ; Derek said coming into the room . 

" What ? " ; Aaron and Rossi asked shocked . 

" Yeah " ; Derek said . 

Aaron got up and almost ran out the door only to see the unsub being taken away and into a police car . Mr . Scratch looked back and smiled widely at him . 


" I am fine , thank you " ; Kiara said to the paramedic as she stitched up her arm and bandaged it . 

" Hi " ; she said to Aaron as he walked up to her with a small stitch on the side of the forehead . 

" You okay ? ' ; she asked as she hopped off the back of the ambulance . 

" I should be asking you that " ; he said . 

" Considering the fact that you said he made you see things , I had to ask , what things Aaron ? " 

" I don't want to talk about it , not right now " 

" Okay then , care to explain why you walked right into Mr.Scratch's trap all alone and without any backup ? " 

" I - " 

" No ! You could have been killed ! What the heck were you thinking ? " 

" I am the unit chief of the BAU , I don't need to explain my actions to you ! " 

" Okay fine , let me put it this way . I am your superior  and your almost wife and as both I deserve an explanation ! " 

" What did he make you see Aaron ? " ; she aske him again . 

" He killed my team twice and then killed you , twice and all I could do was watch Kiara ! " 

Kiara immediately brought him into a hug and rubbed his back . 

" Its okay , I am here , not dead . You won't get rid of me that easily " 

" I don't want to ever get rid of you and I am sorry , it was stupid of me to go in alone " 

" Its okay , lets go home . We can watch a movie and eat takeout . I know you haven't eatenn for hours " 

" Thanks " 

" I love you Aar , I hope you know that " 

Aaron nodded as he kissed his forehead and held her close , desperately trying to get the bloody dead image of her out of his head . 

Kiara took him home all the while making it her task to kill Mr . Scatch for whatever he did to Aaron . 

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